Take Me Home (1D RATED R)

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Oh Please. Me? A Blond 19 year-old superstar,(Who is currently single), dating just any ol' trash that hits the spotlight for a minute? Yea right. I have a little bit more sanity than those desperate hags. Or do I? My whole world flips upside down when I meet the 5 teenage heartthrobs everyone's been talking about.

Soon the world would be screaming one name, one name that would be known years and years after she passes! No man would ever be a fair suitor to her seemingly endless beauty. And her legendary name would be as normal as you can get, yet never forgotten. Her name was Skylar


Ha. Famous? Not quite yet ^•^ The only recognition I got was for working at a local Donut shop in London. "Le Donutt", to be exact. There was a bite out off the 'o' in 'donutt' which just made the whole thing look absolutely childish. And the rainbow unicorn for the logo? Oh give me a break.

I was sitting at the desk in Le Donutt when a man, who was appearently in incognito, strolled in. He wore a long black coat that dragged at the ground.

He dropped his eyes toward the ground so no one would see his face. That's suspicious. At first I panicked for my safety, this guy was pretty creepy. Also, I was the only one working in the store; no other customers were around either.

"May I help you?" I hesitatingly ask.

My voice must have surprised him, because he looked startled. his eyes meet my eyes for a brief moment before he quickly looked back down again. but In that Tiny amount of time, I saw a familiar face I only saw back in high school. No way.


He looked up once more. Yep. I could recognize those clear blue eyes from anywhere.

"SKYLAR NICOLE MARTIN!!!" He cried while giving me a hug. "Your beauty never faded, love!"

I kissed him on the cheek. Just a friendly kiss.

After we finished chatting, he offered to take me to the 1D house. I kindly excepted.

When we arrived, I was so amazed at the enchanting mansion. Purely incredible!

"I-it's just so......"

"Big? Pretty? Yea.... It gets that a lot'"

I nodded while he took me inside and showed me around.

"And this will be the room you will be staying in."

I gave him a puzzled look, so he explained. Not a wordy excuse though. More like pleasurable. He pressed his lips against mine, and I didn't refuse. Ever so gently, he layed me on the bed and shut the door. Louis nipped on my neck and I rubbed my crotch up against him. I let out a stifled moan. He locked his lips on mine and I felt the shock and Sparks flying in every touch. After a while, he sat up.

"Sorry about that, I--"

He shut off when I tore off my shirt and unhooked my bra. I smirked as he stared at my cleavage.

"You're free to do what ever you want with me. EXCEPT, I'm a virgin, and I want to stay like that still. Understand?"

He quickly nodded and shed his clothes. Damn, his Thingy was huge! O.o He quickly got on top of me and put his 'thing' between my cleavage and began thrusting.

"Ohhhhh...... Louis!" I moaned.

He squirted all over my face and grunted. then, He went down to my torso and started kissing and nibbling; slowly, inch by inch, crept toward my 'V'. I couldn't take the teasing anymore.

"Louis! Give It to me! Mmmmmm!"

That must have been louder than I thought, because some one slammed the door open.


Dumb Harry! The others rushed upstairs to peek. Perverts. Oh wait, I was a pervert too. Ha.

"Get out!!! OUT!!!" Boobear screamed, trying to hid his boner.

"Wow! Is this the girl you promised us for our Christmas gift? I'm gonna have a swell time f••king her! What a beauty!" Harry continued.

I could see the red in Louis cheeks as he scrambled to get clothes on. Ewwwww. There was no way I'd ever be a slut and have sex with 5 guys like that. I didn't worry too much about trying to get clothes on. Ehhh. I just wrapped a blanket around me.

"Say hello to Skylar. She is our GUEST who will be staying for how ever long she pleases. Don't you touch her." Tommo warned.

"Okay! Relax!" Niall said.

"Can't we at least have a peek?" Zayn lifted the blanket I was wrapped in to have a glance at the goodies. Ehh, whatever. I didn't care too much. I actually kinda wanted him to. I knew I was pretty good looking. Why not flaunt it? Louis sighed.

"I don't care. Do what you want, just don't displease her. I'm going to go take a shower'"

As soon as Louis was gone I was in big trouble. 4 guys trying to get some from 1 girl. Harry made the first move and clutched my breasts. Now, I was uncomfortable. I tried to swat his hand away, but more hands came and I was overwhelmed.

////// End ///////

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Thanks xx FansLove1D xx

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