Chapter Three

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Percy POV

I was glad when this Pakku guy didn't ask any questions to why I didn't want to learn waterbending. He probably thought that it was because I didn't want to use the thing that had gotten me taken away from my family. The real reason is a lot... weirder. When I was still with the southern tribe, the benders there would try to teach me and all the other young children that had the ability. And they would try to teach us the whole push-and-pull thing. But the water just sorta did what I wanted it too. No pushing or pulling needed. The adults thought that it was amazing, but I just thought it was weird. I wasn't exactly sure why I didn't want to tell Pakku about it, but I didn't.

The next few days I got used to how it was in the northern tribe. It was a lot different from the southern tribe. For example, the girls weren't aloud to learn to waterbend. When I asked why, they just thought that girls where weak and could only learn healing instead. I was against that, but I guess there wasn't much I could really do about it.

I got used to life in the northern water tribe, and I would often run errands for Pakku. Things like, go tell Rano to do this, go make sure that Tahno is practicing, or go fetch me that one scroll from that one time from that one thing. I was fine with this, anything was better than living with Smelly Gabe, and they were kinda fun.

——A year later—-
"Hey, Percy!" Mahako, a non-bender in the village that I had managed to befriend, ran at me waving. "Some kids from the southern tribe just came threw the gates! And they have the avatar!"

The avatar? And kids from my tribe? I wonder if I know them.

I could feel a big smile spread across my face. "Come on!"  Mahako gestured for me to follow him as he ran.


We arrived just as they welcomed them for dinner. I saw a girl a little older than me and a boy a bit older than her that appeared to be from the water tribe, and a kid younger than me dressed in orange and yellow with blue arrows on his skin that twisted around his limbs. He must be the avatar. I thought. He looked at me, and gave me a weird look. I just waved awkwardly. I was too far away to make out any faces, though. Behind them there was a giant fluffy... cow? Maybe?

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of  our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe. And they have brought with them someone very special, someone, who many of us believed disappeared from yeh world until now, the avatar!" Everyone clapped. "We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday, princess Yue is now if marring age!"

"Thank you father, may the great moon and water spirits watch over us in these uncertain times." Princess Yue bowed.

"Now, Master Pakku And his students will show off!" Master Pakku And two of his best students then did a weird dance with water and stuff And everyone clapped. I got up out of my seat, and slipped over to a place where I could get a better look at the people from the South Tribe. My jaw dropped. I ran as fast as could over to them to try and confirm my suspicions, getting a lot of weird looks, even though most people knew what I was trying to do. Everyone at what I like to call the "famous people table" gave me a strange look. My eyes filled with tears as I recognized them.

"Katara, Sokka," My voice cracked, "I thought I'd never see you again." Sokka didn't recognize me, but Katara did. She put a hand over her mouth and a single tear of happiness fell from her cheek.

"Percy... I'd never forget those sea green eyes." Sokka looked at me wide eyed, before breaking into a giant smile and hugging me from across the table. Katara did the same. The avatar gave them a confused expression.

"Aang, this is Percy, our little brother."

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