The Actual Chapter Eight

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Sorry this took so long I was in the shower

Btw I wrote half of this leaning against a tree looking over a lake/pond thing in the rain by myself I'm such a main character

Bold = A/N (author's note)

Italics = white fish speaking

Bold and italics = black fish

Sokka POV

Appa lifted up and out of the room with the fishes. Percy begged us to let him go, but no doubt its much safer in there than it is out here. I doubt any fire nation soldiers will find the room. Besides, if Aang does manage to get back on his own that's where he'll go.

Percy POV

They left me. They just. Wow. Haha, nerd. Oh yeah and the fishes are still speaking to me. Lovely.

Imagine all of your friends leaving you for to go find some bald guy. The fish made a noise that sounded suspiciously like laughter.

"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes at them and sat down in the slightly damp grass.

How can he hear us again? Even watertribe avatars can't understand fish.

Why are you asking me again?

Cause you're smart.

I suppose you're right in that department. The fish's voice was smug. After a bit of silence the fish said, Weren't there some old spirits that were able to have children? And couldn't some of those children, like, talk to animals?

I glance up at the pond. Spirits that can have children with people?

Oh yeah you're right! Didn't they call themselves the gods? Or were they the hogs?

The hogs?

Something like that.

Do you think he's one of their children? Aren't they called demihogs?

Yeah I think so.

Demihogs? What?

The pounding of footsteps distracted me. The door flew open and I jumped up, eyes trained on the door. Had the fire nation soldiers found me already? I backed up a bit.

"Percy? Are you in here?" A familiar voice called out nervously and I relaxed. A boy a bit older than me with curly brown hair poked his head through the door.

"Grover! Yeah I'm in here!" He stepped all the way through the door, closed it, and came running through the door.

"PERCYYYYY!!!" Grover raced to meet me, his strange gate not slowing him down one bit. He jumped and hugged me.

"G man!" Tears pricked at the corners my eyes and I smiled, at least someone I knew was safe.

Grover backed up and looked around, "Where are your friends? The ones that came with the avatar?"

My smile faded a bit. "They had some things to... take care of." I hadn't had a chance to tell him that they were actually family.

Grover gave me a confused look, "That was more important than their long lost buddy?"

I gave a weak laugh, "Yeah... the avatar got kidnapped, I think, and they told me to stay here in case he came back on his own. " No one spoke for a moment. I stared at the door of the sanctuary. I didn't want to admit it, but I was scared of what might come through.

What if he came back?

I diverted my eyes to the two fishes swimming in circles in the pond. I had almost forgot about the whole hearing-fish-speak thing. "Is it just me... or have fish been... uh... acting weird lately?"

Grover glanced at me, "What kind of weird?" 

"What's that look for," even to me, I sounded uncertain.

"Percy, what kind of weird."

"Like... uhm... talking... weird," I tried for a chuckle but it sounded more like a frantic .

"The fish are... talking?" He stops for a moment and his eyes go wide. He quickly stood up. "No no, not now!" He looks around the sanctuary for a second. 

"G-man? Is everything ok?" 

"We gotta," he pauses. "We gotta go." Usually when someone says they have somewhere to be, the get up immediately, but Grover stayed sitting.

"What?! Grover what's happening?"

"There's no time to explain. You know now and- and your scent is stronger. Gosh, no wonder I could find you here so easily!" He put his palm to his forehead.

"Scent? Know what? Wh- what's going on?" 

-I would also like to know what's happening-

I stole a glance at the pond when the fish spoke again, and to my surprise, Grover did too.

"You can hear them too?" I stared at him. 

He takes a deep breath."No! No I can't. It's fine. Everything is fine." 


Grover interrupts me, looking slightly less panicked, "It's fine. Don't worry about it." 

"You can't just- Grover what's going on!" 

Grover sighed, "I can't tell you, not right now. It'll only put you in more danger. Once all this is over, I'll explain everything."

"How can not knowing protect me? Wouldn't that just put me in more danger?" I tried to convince him to tell me. He seemed to consider that idea. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry Perce, I really am, and under normal circumstances you'd be right but... I'll tell you later. I promise."

I frowned, but said nothing. Grover followed my example.

After awhile, I heard footsteps from outside the door. I could hear voices. One of them was very familiar, and it sent a chill through my spine.

A/N Sorry for the cliffhanger and short, I'm gonna try to update more frequently but idk

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