Chapter Two

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Master Pakku POV

-----Classy time skip to a few days later----

"You push and pull the water, not shove and yank." I scowled at one of my waterbending students.

"I was jus-" He didn't get to finish his sentence (not that I wanted him to) as a young healer ran out of the huts.

"The kid you found the other day is awake!" She happily exclaimed. "He's got a bit of a cold, but he'll be fine." She bowed, remembering her manners at the last moment. I looked back at my students.

"We'll resume on this tomorrow," I waved my hand behind me as I followed the girl to the healing huts.


The healer pulled back the curtain and led me into the tent where boy sat with his back to me while an older healer explained where he was.

"And here comes Master Pakku, the guy who rescued you." She gestured to me. The boy looked at me with striking sea green eyes.

"Oh, uhm, thank you." He said with a very awkward smile. 

(I spelled awkward right first try are you proud of me??)

"Can you give me your name?"

"Percy." He sneezed.

"And how did you get out in the snow all by yourself?"


I listened to his story solemnly. Apparently, he was a waterbender from the southern watertribe, I forgot that the southern tribe had female waterbenders, and when Fire Nation had attacked they had taken all of the waterbenders from the tribe. That included Percy and his mom. Percy said he was still very young and didn't remember all of the details, but that one of the soldiers asked if he could "keep" him. So he ended up living with the soldier who would torment him whenever he could, which seemed to be a lot, judging by some of the boy's scars. 

The soldier, Gabe, had to go on a mission scout around the North Pole to try to map out some of the security, and Percy decided to sneak onto the boat and see if he could escape when the ship got close enough. He succeeded, but quickly passed out due to the cold and that he hadn't been able to eat much on the boat without risking getting caught.

"So that's that I guess..." The women had already gotten him some food and he was now inhaling it faster than I think I've seen anyone eat before.

"So you're a waterbender?"


"I'm the teacher around here if you would like to learn to use your abilities."

"No... thank you," he looked down at his feet. I could understand why he wouldn't want to learn to use his bending. It was because of his bending that he had been taken away from his family.

"Well, if you ever change your mind, you''ll know where to find me." I got up to leave but I heard Percy ask where he would stay.  When the healers didn't have an answer for him, I offered that he could stay with me. He happily obliged.

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