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Please check out my new poetry book, and snowbaz one-shots <3

Penelope's POV

I step into the Dining Hall, making a plate for Simon, and heading to our spot. For the past few days he had been late to breakfast, and spending more time in his room. . . But recently he's been moping around the goatherd Ebb.

             Opening a book, I wait for Simon, unintentionally locking eyes with Agatha. She gives me a small, forced smile from across the Hall. 

             Things have been weird ever since Simon told me they broke up—weirdly he looked quite upset, and visibly withdrawn. I haven't gotten any updates on his feelings for Baz; but lately he's been so incredibly quiet, which is very strange for Simon. He usually struggles to keep his mouth shut. I mean, he couldn't possibly be so upset over Agatha, they were never in love—what if he confessed his feelings to Baz and the git rejected him? I mean I know he kissed him, but Baz was asleep, he didn't know.

             Skimming through my book, while pondering over Simon's odd love life, I notice Baz enter the hall. Even he's been acting strange. His eyebrows are always pinched, he's constantly pouting, and his eyes linger on Simon longer than usual. And they hold no malice—they're a sad, lonely grey. 

            My eyes are glued to Baz, (because I'm desperate to figure this out) who's shoulders are hunched in the most unlike-Baz-manner ever. The vampire is cold, ruthless and arrogant. . . What in the world could make him slouch? What in the world has happened to him and Simon. Merlin, if Baz rejected him then. . . why are they both so depressed?

            As if I summoned him, Simon's blond curls come bouncing into view. His expression is blank and he looks mildly disgusted with life, jaw clenched, even as he sees scones! Never in the Magickal World has Simon Snow frowned while looking at scones.

           He turns his head looking away from our table as he walks towards me, the mask melts. I'm spelling his scones warm, when I see Simon's entire face contort, eyebrows furrowing, lips in a pout. I curiously follow his gaze to Baz, who's scowling at Niall, while drinking tea. 

           Simon is so obsessive, I roll my eyes. The past few days, instead of glaring at Simon, Baz immediately looks away. All puckered lips, and cool indifference. If you look hard enough though, his hair are messier and he often slips into little moments of staring at the ground in a daze. It's as if someone has switched his entire personality—sucked the charming devilishness out of him. It's unsettling.

           "Hello, Penelope." Simon mutters, sitting next to me, narrowed-eyes never leaving Baz. I'm shocked, he hasn't spoken for a few days. I force my eyes back into their sockets, and shut my mouth before taking advantage of his slip.

           "What's up with you and Baz?" I narrow my eyes, immediately cutting to the chase; he's been avoiding this topic for a while now. He's been avoiding everything for a while now. . . including me.

            "Nothing. . . ," he sighs, tearing his gaze away from his roommate. Something in my heart clenches at the obvious ache in Simon's usually bright, blue eyes.

           Just as I'm about to urge him to explain himself, he proceeds to place eggs in his mouth—reluctantly. The Simon I know, never eats reluctantly. I didn't worry this much when Simon and I went on missions we thought we would lose our lives to. 

           Clearly, he isn't answering my questions though, which means I'll have to redirect my wrath towards the Vampire—it's going to be a hassle, considering he's quite stubborn. And doesn't exactly adore me. But I need answers. Now.

           Simon and I eat in a tense silence, as he avoids my gaze, and any conversation too. His head only rises from his food to trail Baz walking out of the Dining Hall. His eyes suddenly seem glazed. Almost teary. I'm about to reach for his hand, to comfort him, but he jumps up and actually runs out of the Hall.

           What the hell happened between them?

           Agatha's staring in their direction too, and I have a weird feeling she has something to do with all of this.  She loves the attention. My first instinct was to ask her; but her clear, emotionless face made me certain she would simply walk away from me. It's not uncommon for her.

           I exit the hall, and head towards Magick Words. I have it with Baz, I plan on cornering him after class, but he never shows. If he keeps skipping classes, I just might be the top of the class this year. The thought is embarrassing, yet exciting. 

           Deciding to look around Watford for him instead, I make my way to the Pitch, and when I don't sense his fiery magick, I roam the Lawn, eventually venturing into the Ancient Yew Trees. 

          The vampire has been located. (I feel like a spy for the Mage.)

          Sneaking behind Baz, I hide behind trees in the Lawn, almost bursting out in laughter. Stalking Baz. . . I can't believe it, I'm definitely turning into Simon. The mage casually walks a few feet ahead, hands in his pockets.

          "I can hear you, Bunce." Baz says coolly, not even turning around to face me. Huh? I had spelled my feet quiet. What did he even hear?

Breathless...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora