chapter sixteen

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Seri's p.o.v

So last night was fun. We played games and ate food. I woke up on the floor with candy wrappers around me. I sat up and looked on the couch to see Myles with no shirt on and a half eaten hunny bun stuck to his face. I giggled and stood up, slowly walking over to him. I crawled on top of him and ripped the bunny bun off his face. And shot up startled and I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling while giggling. He looked around for a few seconds before looking at me. I raised my eyebrows and took and bite out of the bunny bun." Good morning." He smiled and took the hunny bun away from me, eating it. I kissed him and smiled. I got off him and walked into the kitchen, grabbing my phone off the counter. I pressed the power button to see my phone in 13% and three missed calls from Jackie.

" Oh my gosh." I tapped the call button and put the phone up to my ear.

Me: hey, sorry I couldn't get your call

Jackie: its cool just wanted to see how you were doing

Me: I'm good. You?

Jackie: I'm fine. Actually I don't need to come with you guys. Obviously Jacob doesn't care. I thought we would work it out but he's an asshole.

Me:What happened?

Jackie: Ask him. I've never been so offended. But i have to go.

Me: Well, okay see you later.

Jackie: byee.

I hang up, looking over at Myles. I walk over to him and see him texting. He locks his phone before i see it and looks at me." Who are you texting?" I ask." None of your business." When he said that, something snapped." Oh, it is my business because if I was texting somebody , aka a nigga, you would wanna fucking know who." I said calmly, putting my hand in my hip." Chill, damn I'm just texting Ray." He said." Then let me see." He shook his head." See this is what I'm fucking talking about. Tell your bitch I said she can have you cause obviously you don't trust me." I said pissed off. I walked into my room and locked the door, getting undressed and going into the bathroom. I put my hair into a bun and turned on the water on. I took a bath for about an hour then got out. I got dress and sat on the bed, pulling my laptop out and going on twitter. I followed a couple people and liked a couple post before I got hungry. I walked out, ignoring Myles as he look at me, licking his lips. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a poptart but soon put it back because of my stomach ache. I grabbed a apple and some water and sat on the counter, unlocking my phone and scrolling through instagram. Myles came in and walked over to me, standing in front of the sink. I raised an eyebrow and took a bite out of my apple. I sighed and got up to leave but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back looking in my eyes." Nigga this is not no cinderella. I'm pissed so don't touch me." I snatched away from him. He bit his lip and stood up straight." I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes." You don't trust me. I would let you look through my phone." I said." Then let me look." I held my phone out to him. He looked at it and slowly grabbed it. I saw him tap a few things before he handed it back to me. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. He walked over to me and put his hands on my wait. He put his head in my neck and then broke down crying. I was confused. I walked him over to the chair and sat down with him in my arms. He sobbed into my neck while pulling me on his lap. I shushed him and rocked him back and forth. He soon fell asleep and i got off his lap and was about to walk back into the kitchen when someone made a beat on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Before I could say anything I picked up off the ground and tackled. I squealed as i realized it was Ray. I pulled him up by his braid and flicked his head." Idiot." He whined as i pulled him by his braid to the couch. He sat down, making the couch wet from snow. I heard shuffling. I ran into the hall and into Zo's arms." BAE!" We both screamed. We were shushed by Kiesha as we walked into the room giggling. They all went into the room to sleep because they said they were tired but Kiesha looked at me a little concerned." Can i talk to you?" She said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded a little nervous as i chewed on my bottom lip and walked out into the hall." So you're not in trouble, but i feel like it's time you go to school." My whole face dropped. School? With people? Ew.

" But......" I was speechless. I looked everywhere but her because if i looked at her i might start crying. I pressed my lips together and walked back into the room. I walked to my room and got under the covers. I sobbed as i thought of all the bullies. I'm tough. I'll be fine.

I pulled the cover closer to me as the door opened." Hey."

" Mmmm."

Myles locked the door and walked over to me.

" I heard you have to go to school."

"Mmhmm." I breathed.

"It won't be that bad."

"..........2010." I said.

" What?"

" 2010. I was at school with the people at the orphanage. I was sitting on the swing when too girls came up, held me down , and cut me." I took my shirt off and pushed my breast up to show two scares under them. He slowly put his fingers on it making me flinch. He ran his thumb over it , gently kissing it after.

He pulled me into a hug. I grabbed his hands and put them in front of him, playing with his fingers." So....what about us?" He bit his lip, soon licking them." I mean, we're so close. A little distants won't hurt us. Right?" He said, intertwining our fingers. I nodded and scratched my head." But what if we grow apart? I mean I'll be at school and you'll be on tour for like a year."

" And we'll always visit Seri." I shook my head." Maybe.......maybe we should break up." I said in a light voice as my heart broke into a million pieces. I avoided his gaze while licking my lips." I mean, I don't want to hold you down while you're here with all these beautiful girls. And Myles," I look in his eyes and places my hands on his face.

" Nothing is ever gonna change about how I feel about you. You are the one person who cared the most and changed me. If you didn't use your smooth talk and pulled me in and made me you girl, I'd probably would still be in that orphanage. I love you and I will never stop. I'm just hoping this distance thing won't change the way you feel." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

" Ain't nothing that can change the way I feel for you." He said, a little sadness in his eyes. I kissed him and sighed.

" Do we have to break up?" He said as his eyes brimmed with tears. I sniffed and shrugged." Don't think of it as breaking up, think of it as taking a break."

" Thats the same thing."

I smacked his head." Shut up and listen. Breaking up is officially over. A break is like a time out to see if we feel okay without eachother." He nodded and bit his lip." So in a year you'll be 16. I'll make sure that I make it to the party." I smiled and nodded." You're probably gonna stay with Ms.Corley. She's one of Kiesha's best friends. She's nice too. And she got all the food." I giggled." Ok. I'll keep that in mind." I kept giggling until a huge cramp hit me. I doubled over , putting my head in his chest.

He laughed and rubbed my back. When the cramp stopped I looked at him." I'm gonna miss you." He bit his lip and nodded." I'm gonna miss you too."I rested my head on his and closed my eyes.

I'm gonna miss this.

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