I love you

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Crystal Pov

Ezra and I had our first kiss. He seemed scared. Then he took me home. The more I think of him the more I want to be wuth him. I think I  love him. I called Ezra right away. Iaskes him ti meet me at a cafe to talk. I told him that i thinj about him a lot and he said he thinks about me a lot too. He said I love you to me. It sounded like an angel talking to me. It sounded so right. I said I love you too Ezra. I pulled him in for a hug and he gave me the most wonderful kissof my life. I never felt more alive. After the kiss we hugged. It felt so rugbt. Everytime we touch I can hear the angels singing. I LOVE EZRA WITH ALL MY HEART. Now i have to tell his family that we love each other. It is wrecking my brain how to tell them.

Tune in tomorrow to see how Crystal and Ezra tell his family that they are In Love with each other.

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