He's a Wolf?!

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Crystal P.O.V

Oh my GOSHHH I'm a Vampire!! I feel so alive!! Even though tecnically I'm dead but whatever omg I can't believe it! My eyes are so beautiful, my hair is perfect, my skin is flawless, I love being a Vampire. Well I can't wait to tell Linnette but right now she's with her boyfriend Jeremiah. They've been dating since 8th grade. Today is their 4 year anniversary. I hope they had fun. I'm gonna call her to see if she's almost home. I mean, it's 12:00 what could they possibly be doing... wait... nope mm-mm nevermind. Eww

Linnette P.O.V

Omg today has been soooo completely amazing. Just being with Jeremiah is perfect. We made 4 years today. He said next year when we graduate we will get married. I was so happy. He gave me a promise ring that was sterling silver and Had three diamonds on top. The one in the middle was Aquamarine and the other two were 12 karrot diamonds. It was so beautiful. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I just don't want to stop hugging him. I love him so much. It's just unbelievable how much I need him in my life. Huh. Crystal just called me.

C- Hey Linnie

L- Hey Cris

C- Are you and Jeremiah home already?

L- No, we're about to leave though. We're at the park. He wants to tell me something and you will noit believe what he just did.

C- What did he do?!

L- He gave me a promise ring and said next year when we graduate we're getting married!!! Ahhh!!!

C- Oh my GOSHH!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!

L- I'll come over in half an hour okay

C- Okay I'll see you then love

L- Kay see you then boo. Bye 

Jeremiah P.O.V

Wow. I can't believe how incredibly amazing Linnie is. I love her so much. She's my everything. But, I have to tell her What I've been hiding from her for two years now. Since we're getting married I can finally tell her. Yeesh. I wonder how she's going to take it. Well, now time to give her the news. *Long sigh*

J- Babe

L- Yes babe?

J- About what I've been meaning to tell you,

L- Babe you know that no matter what I'll always love you.

J- Okay, well, two years ago, I found out my father was a Wolf. He said I was finally old enough to know. When he told me this, he said I'd have to turn into one to be able to have another generation of Wolves. Well, they said the only other people that can know are people turning into one, friends of the family, my wife, or friends of the wife and her family. It must be kept a secret. Well, now that we're getting married and I know with all my heart I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I am telling you. I wanted to for so long, but I couldn't. Please understand.

L- Oh my gosh babe! That's freaking awesome!!!

J- So you're not mad at me for not telling you?

L- Of course not baby! You couldn't. It's not your fault. Don't worry. Like I said, I will love you no matter what.

J- I love you so much. Seriously you have no idea.

L- *Lightly giggles* Me too baby. Forever and always my King.

J- Forever and always my Queen. I love you.


They kissed and Jeremiah began to drive her to Cris's house. They held hands the whole ride. Jeremiah walked her to the door, they kissed and he left after she entered the house to make sure she was okay.

Crystal P.O.V

Linnie came into my house with the biggest smile on her face. She told me what happened and my reaction might have offended her. A Wolf?!?! Seriously?!?!?! He's a WOLF?!?! That's awesome as hell but why a Wolf?! Ugh. Well I told I was a Vampire and she was so happy. She spent the night and we watched a couple movies and talked about what we're gonna wear to Prom next year. They told us the theme a year earlier because I don't know our school was all about planning ahead and stuff. Heh. I had a lot of fun. We havent done this in a while. School just made us busy I guess. Well, tomorrow is going to be fun huh. I need sleep it's 4:00 A.M. we need to knock out. 

C- *Yawns* Goodnight Linnie love you. 

L- *Yawns* Goodnight Cris love you too.

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