The Accident

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Her papre cut was bleeding very badly. Austin and Remy could not resist so they trued to leave with all the strength they had. Ross had studied to be a doctor so he had taken out his kit. He disinfected the cut and olaced a gauze and told crystal to apply pressure until it stopped bleeding. After it stopped bleeding, he sewed on stitches. Austin and Remy entered, and they apologized for getting hyped up over her blood. They told her that her blood was speacial. It was a very rare blood type. One pint of it is like gold to vampires so she needed to be careful.

Crystal Pov

I just found out my blood type is speacial. Is that why Ezra and I are dating? I hope not.

Ezra Pov

I just found out Crystal's blood type. Good thing i can control myself better than Austin and Remy. Me and Crystal decided to go to the movies and then to a fancy dinner but on my treat. I hate it when guys expect girls to pay. Anyway, we went to go see a romance movie called If I stay. It was amazing. My sister got us in the movie for free because she knows Chloe Grace Moretz.  She is an amazing actor.  But im getting ahead of myself. Anyways, during the movie there were some scenes where Crystal cried. I held her in my arms and it felt so right. We went to a place called The Vinyard Rose in Rancho California where we all lived. They had excellent wine and a wonderul spa. Then when we ate food there, i fell i love with it instantly. And it looked like Crystal did too. I took her to my place. She asked me to have our first kiss. I was scared. I am too strong i could hurt her. I asked her to not move. When our lips met, i attacked her. I loved it but she got bruises. I stopped. I tood her that i knew this was a horrible idea. But Crystal had something else in mind. She asked me to kiss again. I got scared and jumoed to ceiling. I took her home and pecked her on the cheeck and said good night. That was one of the most terrifying thing i have ever experienced.

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