12 | shades

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"You're not half the man you think that you are. "
- Halsey

22 September 2018


I sniffed as I gulped another piece of Irish chocolate. I had never cried over a boy before.

That scene was stuck in my head - coming back whenever I tried to shut my eyes.

She kissed him and it was all it took for me to get up, toss my milkshake in the bin and drive off.

I had been depressed ever since.My mom tried to get me out but failed miserably.She did not really know why I was so 'sad' and I wasn't in the mood to lie or... tell the truth.

"Get up Ry," Dylan chuckled,her arms wrapped around me. Placing the chocolate tray out of my grip, she sat besides me,getting under the bed cover.

"What's wrong?" I couldn't stop myself from crying more and after I calmed down for a little, I spoke.

"Isaac cheated on me with his ex who slapped me the same day."

"Isaac did?" she asked, shocked.Dylan and Isaac became good friends recently. They had been chatting a lot but I didn't really mind.

"Yes... I was calling him and he wasn't picking up, so I called his friend Blake who gave me his location." I blurted out, feeling the vomit rising up.

"You know... compared to all the boys you've dated, he's different and you should talk to him."

So, I was just going to pretend like I didn't see him kissing Bitch? I had a better idea.I was going to examine his attitude and ask him where he was.

"Thanks Dyl," I smiled weakly, my head resting against her shoulder.

After Dylan departed, I pulled my phone out of the white charger and dialled Isaac's number.

"Hey Riley," his voice broke my heart.

He always calls me either 'babe' or 'princess' - first weird attitude detected.

"Would you like to hang out at Florida Café? I heard new foods have been added on the menu!" I said aloud excitedly.

"Um, sure." The line went dead.

A few tears slipped out of my eyes as I recalldd the memories and what hurt me most was that he didn't even bother telling me the truth and chose to act like nothing happened.

Forcing myself out of bed, I took a shower and put on a pair of black leggings and a royal blue sports bra and my slip-on checkered Vans.

While driving, I connected my phone with my AUX cord and hummed along my favorite song - 'somebody else' by The 1975. This song reminded me of Isaac and the lyrics fitted perfectly to my life right now. Being cheated on.


"What would you like to order?" Isaac asked and I opted for a milkshake to replace the thrown one.

"You did not come to school today," he remarked after a long-ass minute of silence.

"No, I was sick." I simply repled. Was he still going to pretend like nothing happened, once again?

"You didn't call me..." I continued,his gaze not meeting mine.


𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐁𝐨𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now