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"Summertime is meant to fall in love."
- Jaden Smith

1 July 2018


"You'll never guess what I did during the holidays!" my friend,Mia blabbered.

"Don't tell me... you...you know!" my other friend,Jazzy half-yelled from behind.I definitely had to get out before this conversation got any further.

"I had sex with Nick," she whispered with enthusiasm while I stared at her with pure disgust.

The bomb exploded earlier...

"You guys are gross as fuck," I chuckled while entering the familiar class.I headed straight to my usual seat which was situated in the back along with some of my other friends-Kyle and Zoe.

"Wassup mate?" Kyle pulled me into a tight hug.

"Great sir," I joked.Kyle was an exceptional human being who appeared to share a lot of my habits.
That was how we became friends.Jazzy has a huge crush on him but I think he likes Zoe or whoever knows.

"Dang girl.You're rocking those combat boots!" Zoe complimented as I
started taking my notebook out.For the first time,I was actually early in class. I am usually extremely late because I often forget to switch on my alarm.

The teacher arrived not much later
with a pile of papers under his arm.
Oh shit!The previous test...I was pretty
sure I messed up.

"So kiddos,here are your corrected
papers.I'll call each one of you individually as I have to give my point of view on your work!" he shouted before putting on his pair of crooked reading glasses.

"Mannnn,I probably messed up," Kyle
groaned behind me.Well,looks like I wasn't alone anymore.

While I was busy replying to some dms on the Gram,the door pulled wide openrevealing the one and only Isaac Miller.He winked at me and walked towards the back, sitting beside me.

This guy was fucking annoying.

"Hello princess," he purred,scooting
closer to me.

"Is there someone beside me or is it just my grandpa's ghost trying to communicate?" I sarcastically asked to myself.This guy never seemed to get it. How much time I tried pushing him away!Only God knows.

"You break my heart everytime Ryl,"
he pouted making me chuckle.I ignored his further comments and kept responding to my dms.

Did I just chuckle at him?Fucking hell.

"Miss Hills!Come forward!" Judging by
Mr.Caldwell's tone,I could tell he was not very happy.I quickly threw my phone in my bag and rushed forward.

"Miss Hills.I'm impressed!" he said in

I am too,Daniel.

"You scored the highest mark in your essay.It was very touchy,detailed to perfection.I might have to steal it from you to make a copy of it... if you're okay with it,of course."

"Thanks but no thanks," I smiled,takingthe sheet away.I heard some guy making some nasty comments as I walked to my seat and I flipped them the lucky bird.

"Great job,princess." I rolled at my eyes and stuffed the sheet in my backpack.

Class went by pretty quickly and it was finally time for lunch.I quickly got to the restroom and while heading to my locker, I noticed some students blabbering and laughing at a
piece of paper.

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