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"Libens-Volens-Potens" -Latin phrase


Brett Yang was ready to graduate. He had been waiting so long for this day and he could not contain his excitement. This was the day where he might be qualified to work on the conservatory. It had been offered to him and he gladly took it as a temporary job. He was going to be a soloist but for now he wanted to teach.

It had been one of the things he had always wanted to do but he was not given an opportunity to do so when he was studying. Mainly because his focus was to play the violin and study it with great teachers himself. He also felt like he wanted to teach to show the world what his perspective on performing and to share why he performed on the first place. Working at the conservatory was a good head start.

Alexander was already fifteen years old but he wished to study for law already. Brett asked him to slow down because he was already earning for them. He did not want him to feel the pressure of studying like he did. Alexander followed his older brother and he was glad that his brother was the kindest and most understanding man. He was also happy that his brother got to follow his passion. He was a man of the arts, anyway.

When Brett got his diploma, his brother and father cheered for him. Brett cannot help but feel proud of himself, too. He was happy to be given the opportunity by the conservatory. The head of the conservatory told him that he would be working for the next school year, specializing specifically on violin performance. He could not be any happier for the job that he had gotten. If someone was brave enough to ask him for after school lessons, he would be glad. He was there not just for the job but to maximize and share his knowledge for other aspiring violinists.

Little did he know that there was a certain boy whom he had caught the attention of.

Edward Chen watched the ceremony, marveling at the sight of the one and only Brett Yang that was graduating. He had heard the news from around the campus that Brett was going to specialize in violin performance for the next school year. He was nervous and excited for it. He could finally be mentored by one of the best, if not the best, player he had ever known.

He didn't know how to contain his happiness but he tried to calm down. The ceremony was over and he wanted to approach Brett. Edward did not, though. He found that it would be better if they had a proper introduction next school year. So, they just let it be. The world is probably saying that now is not the time. Edward seemed to just go with what the world feels right for him, anyway. He also didn't have the courage to introduce himself, too.

There was nothing else to tell about their separate summer vacations. It had been filled with long practice sessions and grabbing performance opportunities. It was just about constantly improving and having better techniques to make playing more comfortable.

It was now June 13, 1860, Brett Yang was now twenty years old and is a professor on the local conservatory where he specialized in violin performance. Edward Chen was now nineteen years old, on the second year of studying at the local conservatory where he majored in violin performance. Both men did not know it but their paths will cross and Edward Chen will be brave enough to ask Brett Yang.

To be quite honest, Edward was very, very nervous. It was almost unearthly because his hands were shaking. There is a hint of excitement, too. He can't believe that he had waited two months for this day. He wore whatever he just usually wore, not caring in particular about being too formal.

Brett Yang, on the other side, was not just nervous. He was more anxious than ever and he felt as though he was going to throw up. He did not, though. He was just glad that he was going to finally teach. He picked a suit that was not too formal but not too casual, either. It was the right balance.

He walked out of his family's house and started to go to the conservatory. He had his violin and a briefcase. He felt the anxiety go away as he was nearing the conservatory. And as for Edward? It was the opposite. He felt himself grow more and more nervous but also excited as he was nearing the conservatory.

He was finally going to meet Brett and he could not be any happier.

Brett was earlier than expected so what he did was set up his violin on the room where he would give lectures and listen to their performances. He was going to give an introduction and play a little excerpt of music for them. He decided to play the Mendelssohn violin concerto, second movement.

Yes, this piece was personal to him but it will truly showcase how he shows his tone colors and rubato. It seemed like a good piece to make anyone listen. The melody is easy to digest and take in. It also seems like a good idea because he can show that passion will always keep the piece alive and burning.

After he was done preparing, the people who he will be teaching were entering the room. Edward Chen was one of the students who were excited to meet him. They all knew that he was amazing, if he wasn't, there would not be students that are older than him. He was simply amazing at his own right.

"Splendid morning to you all, as some of you may know, I am Brett Yang. I graduated from this exact conservatory just a few months ago. I am here to introduce my playing. I will be your mentor and I wish to share my playing and how to improve yours. Now, I really believe in the power of practice and the drive to always improve. Daily practice is essential to performers like us..." Brett droned on and the students were listening to him intently.

"Let's start with the Mendelssohn second movement. The andante. Now, I really like how you can show different kinds of tone color. Think of this as a type of lullaby or a song of mourning. That's how I imagine this piece to be. That's how you project your tone colors." Brett said as he played a sample of the excerpt.

All the students, including Edward Chen marveled at the music that they are now hearing. They were amazed by what they were hearing. Brett Yang's tone was rich and the colors change, it can go from a good and soft lullaby to a heart retching grief that will make you want to grieve with the music. It reminds Edward of his father.

The father that he had lost a few years ago. He did not notice but the tears were now streaming down his face as he remembered his father. It hurt, but it hurt Eddy so good that he forgot what he was here for. Brett's playing stopped and it was not only him who was moved by the simple yet outstanding performance.

Brett Yang continues the lesson, teaching them about how they could do this. One of the things he suggested was to think of an experience they hold so dearly and project that into the music they were playing. Edward saw his very father's death again, but this time, he realized that it was good that his father was gone. He was happy somewhere else and he felt no pain.

"Now, that you have had a perspective on how I produce tone colors and how I vary them, I want you to try it for yourselves. Pick a piece that you hold so dearly, now, you don't have to be emotional to do this. You could just think of a point in your life where you had felt the most and see how it will reflect on your playing. I will be checking your performances next week and please always expect activities like this... It will vary every week, but mostly we focus on technique and other aspects that will help you for your performance. Is that clear?" Brett asked his students.

Everyone nodded, they still cannot talk because they were still internalizing Brett's playing. Edward was determined to do his best for next week and he will not be afraid to ask Brett to mentor him after classes. He wants to get better and Brett Yang could help him.

Brett Yang was the only one who would be able to make him a soloist. He had sworn to get better and he gives credit to Brett. Brett Yang will be his inspiration and Brett will make him.

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