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"Amor est vitae essentia." -Robert B. Mackay

Love is the essence of life.

"Brett, me and Belle... We are officially about to wed. I just need help with a ring. I do not know what might be an ideal ring for her." Alexander said, quite worried.

"So, you are going to ask her hand in marriage? Therefore, you need a ring?" Brett asked.

"Yes, brother. Will you help me look for one?" Alexander asked.

"Of course. But tell me honestly, you really had nothing in mind?" Brett asked his brother, knowing him all too well.

"I could not sum it up to one thing. I already started at the law firm and I deem that I have saved up enough for her ring."

"Well, we have time... Let us go. We must find a ring for her now."

They walk towards the town and go straight to the jewelry store. The moment they entered, they are met by a lovely couple who had been running the shop ever since they were even born. According to their father's story, this is the exact same place where he bought a ring for their mother.

Alexander was not as sentimental as Brett was, but he had to buy it here. In honor of their mama, who had rested in heaven. Hopefully, she had not felt pain there, unlike when she was living with her sickness here.

"How may we help you, kind sirs?" The middle-aged woman asked.

Alexander looked at Brett nervously. Brett lightly smiled. Young love and its joyous wonders.

"My brother here is looking for a ring for his beloved." Brett said, smiling at the woman.

"Oh well, may you describe her to us, young sir? So we can pick out what might be perfect for your darling." The woman said, excited at the fact that such a young man was here.

"Well, she is a pianist, so a ring light in weight might do. She is kind, graceful, beautiful and I believe that she deserves much more than she think she does." Alexander gushed, love evident in his descriptions and voice.

The woman's husband pulled out a box with rings on them. Women's rings, specifically. While Alexander was looking for Belle's ring, Brett Yang's eyes were wandering. He did not mean to see it but he did.

His gaze was fixed on the pair of rings. It was perfect for him and Eddy. That was the moment that Brett's future flashed before him. An unknowing smile escaped his lips out of his will.

A beautiful house with Eddy. Raising children and hopefully grandchildren with Eddy. Making music with Eddy regularly. Kissing him the moment he wakes up and holding him close at night. Morning coffee and breakfast with Eddy. Afternoon tea and biscuits with him. Dinner with their children.

Loving him anytime and every time of the day.

Brett's thoughts were cut off by a slight tap on his shoulder.

"Is this good for her?" Alexander asked,  looking up at his older brother.

"It depends on you, brother. You are the one proposing after all." Brett teased, pinching his brother's cheek. "So grown-up now, are you not?" Brett added.

"Shush, now." Alexander said, moving away from Brett's touch. "Madame, I will take this. Could you please put it in that box?" Alexander requested, pointing at a velvet box that is a deep burgundy.

"Young sir, is that all your request?" The lady asked, smiling at the siblings in front of her as she wrapped the box in the handkerchief that Alexander handed.

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