ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Maybe I'll finish this chapter today and double update like I used to. Hmm~


"Well, if it isn't the boy killer." 

"She didn't-"

"I didn't kill anyone, Takagi. Why do you hate me so much?" If this was going to happen, Kuroo would not fight my battles.

Takagi scoffed, "So you're lying to everyone." 

"I tried to save him. It seems you're lying to yourself to have someone to blame." I kept my voice and expression as steady as possible, but I too blame myself for it. 

"I refuse to play volleyball for someone who had a hand in killing my best friend." He shook the teachers off of him and crossed his arms. 

I mimicked his movements, "Fine, then don't. You give up your passion because of some diluted idea you have that I killed him. So be it." 

"You won't even say his name!" He spat. 

"You think I'm not grieving? You think this is easy for me? I feel it too! I blame myself everyday! You act as if you could've done much different." I couldn't stop the tears from falling. 

"I could have. He'd still be here!" The venom only increased in his voice. 

"Maybe so, but you weren't there. I tried my best and this is my proof." I pointed weakly at the metal that was my leg, "Please Takagi. I can't stand it anymore." I begged. 

Kuroo had me in a protective hug, "Are you going to join or not Takagi?" 

"Never on my life. Can I go now?" He didn't wait for an answer. His stomps could be heard until he was well away from the gym. 

"Y/n, I'm sorry, I thought he'd be able to talk like a normal person." Kuroo held me tighter. 

"I think that's enough practice for today guys. Let's meet back tomorrow." Kenma muttered and the boys slowly walked back to the lockers with sympathetic looks cast in my direction. 

"Y-you meant well. I've-I've got to get to Kiba's school. I'm going to miss classes today." I held onto Kuroo tighter and took in his scent. He was my comfort. 

He pet my head gently, "Then, I'll see you at home when I'm finished here. Call me if you need anything." He let me go to trail over to Lev after a small kiss to my tear stained cheek. 

"W-will you skip today and come back me up at Kiba's school? He's being bullied and I figured  you'd look intimidating enough to scare some kids." I asked Lev sheepishly. 

He laughed, "Of course I'll go. Anything to get out of history class." 

As we walked away, he kept stealing glances in my direction. 

"What is it?" I muttered defeated with today's mood that was supposed to be happy. 

"He'll come around, Y/n." 

"Don't count on it." 


"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Kiba asked with a raised eyebrow at Lev who he'd seen come to the house a handful of times. 

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