Chapter 5

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"I'm home!" Ari and I are here!

"Welcome back young master." said by our long time butler, Norvyn Price, Ari's father.

"Is papa still not home yet?"

"No young master. Sir have an important meeting and says that he will come home late and young master to eat first and not to wait for him."

Sigh. His always late. I wonder when is the last time that we got to eat together? I can't remember, it's so long ago. How about my stories? When can I tell my stories?

"Oh, I'm just gonna eat after I change my clothes." I said, walking up the stairs.

My room is on the right side of the second floor. Next to it is my game room where, obviously, I play games.

I opened the door and walk straight to the bed. So tired.

So many things happened this day. First, I went to school. Second, I made new friends and third,  which is probably my least favorite event today, Calvin being beaten by some guys.

Poor Calvin,  didn't even have a chance to fight back because he's outnumbered.

While I'm mulling over what happened today,  there's someone knocking the door.

"Young master."  It's Adrian.

"Are you finish changing because the food will be cold." Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. My clothes aren't even change yet ayyy.

"I'll be finish in a minute!" I stand up and head to my closet.


"Ooohh yumyum!" This fried chicken is good!

Ari chuckles. "You still eat like a child."

"Well I am a child, a teen.  That's why there's a teen in eighteen."

"Ok now don't be cheeky and eat your food." 

"Well I'm eating. Oh Norvyn! Do you know what happened today? I'm gonna tell you what happened then just tell papa okay?" Norvyn will be my messenger between me and papa.

"Please do tell young master." Norvyn smiles and sit next to me. Heh,  he should because this will be a long story.

After dinner and my story telling, I wash myself then sleep. I need to be early because tomorrow is the REAL start of discussion and lessons.

Making my way towards the classroom, I saw Kristine talking to a guy.


She glanced at me.

"Oh hey Cooper! Let's talk later okay? Bye!"  She said to the guy then waves at him.

"So what happened to Calvin? Calvin right? The hot guy? Is he still handsome after all that beating?" She asks.

"Wait, how do you know?"  Only me, Ari, Ms. H and some guards knows about it.

"Boy, there's a saying that 'earth has ears, news has wings and I have connections' so any news and gossips that is inside our school, I'll know."  she stated like its a matter of a fact.

"Oh? Hmmm I don't know. The last time I saw him was yesterday. Maybe we can see him today in our room."

"Speaking of room,  we should go or we will be late and why is Adrian always with you?  He's like your tail or something."

Adrian butts in. "It's because we're living in the same house and no it's not what you're thinking,  we live in the same house because he's my employer."

"I'm not thinking anything!"

Adrian just raise his right eyebrow.

"O-okay! Maybe I'm thinking...stuffs but you can't blame me! You're handsome and Cooper is sooo cute so...yeah." Kristine's voice weakens as she got to finish talking.

She cleared her throat. "Well anyways, let's just go 'cos we will be late if we just talk about it."


I sit on the chair and look around if Calvin is here.

Nope. He's not here. Hmmm,  maybe he's just late just like the last time.

"Good morning class!" Oh. Ms. H is here. I didn't notice here because I'm spacing out...again.

"Let's start our class shall we?" Ms. H smiled.

Almost all the students here in the room groan. I almost forgot, our first class is math.


"Really?!  Math?!  Ugh! What's next, history?!" Kristine grumbled as she complained about... our subject. We are in cafeteria just sitting and talking. We have a ten minutes before the next class so we decided to just go here.

"Uhh actually yes." I answered. Calvin didn't make it. Well he's hurt after all. I understand if he can't go to school today.

She glared at me.  "Why did you answer it? I don't wanna know that it's true!"

"You asked and I answered, simple."

"Ugh I don't like you being sassy with me."

"Calvin is absent." I stated.

"Yeah I noticed. Who can go to class with bruised face duh."

Is he okay? I hope his okay.

"Speaking of the devil, That's Calvin right?" Kristine said pointing her index finger behind me.

I looked at what her pointing at. Yup,  it's Calvin. He's leaning on a tree outside the cafeteria with earphone on his ear,  totally oblivious about his surrounding. His hoodie cover up part of his face but I can still recognize him.

I stand up, picking my bag and walk toward the door. Ari stands up too.

"Hey! Where are you two going?" Kristine asked.

"To Calvin. We should say hello to him and ask if he's okay."

"Isn't that a bit... We're just like an acquaintance to him. If we do that maybe he'll think that we're close and interfering his life!"

"One question: Why are you always screaming?" said Adrian. Obviously irritated by Kristine's loud voice. Ari is a silent man. He Probably couldn't take it if he speak like that.

Kristine gasps. "How dare you to say that my voice is loud!"

"See? You did it again. "

"No I didn't! You just have a sensitive ears that's why!"

Sigh. Why are they fighting because of that? Ayyy.

I glanced towards Calvin. Oh no!  He's leaving! I never got the chance to ask him. I look at Ari and Riri. They'll be fine without me for a second.

I tried to make my steps be quiet so that they can't hear me leaving. I peek at them for a second then I open the door.

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