Chapter 10

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"Soooo, where exactly are we?" I asked, looking around at the unfamiliar place. Me, Kristine and Adrian are here in front of an enormous building. Many people are entering and exiting it.

"I told you, we're gonna do some shopping spree and where can you do that? In the mall, duh!" Kristine said.

"Don't duh me! It's my first time to go to a mall so.... I don't know what it looks like."

"Sorry! I didn't mean to be like a sassy bi**h... well sassing you, that, I did it intentionally but being a bi**h? Nahhh."

"It's fine. You always do that so I'm used to it." I know that Riri is just being herself and I'm not offended so it's ok... but Riri misunderstands what I said.

"Gasp! Oh no Cooper! I'm truly sorry! I promise that I'll try to not sass you!" she promised.

"No it's totally fine! Don't apologize. Let's just enter okay? Our time will be wasted if we're just stand here."

"Okay... As an apology—don't stop me" she said when she sees that I'm about to interrupt her.

"As an apology, I will make you experience the best today!" Riri said, determined. Well, I won't stop her. I want to have a best day too, before papa comes home. I want to try new stuffs!

"Oooh okay! I accept your 'apology'." I said, quoting 'apology' in the air.

"Hmmm where should we start? Oh I know! Let's go and try some new clothes first. I will be the one who'll pick what clothes you will wear okay? Okay!" Riri said, pulling me towards the entrance. She's really excited....

Oh! I almost forgot!

"Ari just follow us and don't go missing!" I yelled so that he could hear me. We're far apart because Riri is surprisingly fast and strong. Note that she have a high heels on. If I were to wear that, I cannot do that, even walking will be hard. How can someone bear to wear that?

We stop at a clothing store.

"...Mal de Wear?" I read the name of the store.

"Yup! The most famous brand of clothing in the whole world! Come on, let's try some new clothes!"

Am I hallucinating because I saw an evil glint in Riri's eyes.... I don't feel so good.

"Oooh! Look at this! This will look good on you! You'll look even cuter! Kyaaah!" Riri took a...uhh... an adult-size baby's clothes?

"I am not a baby! I will not wear that." I said.

"What? No! It's not a baby's clothes! It is called a jumper, jumper! A popular type of outfit. Now come on and try this!" She gives me the jumper and pushed me to the dressing room.

Sooo... How do I put this?

After minutes of figuring out how to wear it, I finally put it on.

I stared at the full-body mirror...Well, it's not bad.

"Uhh Riri, I think it's not bad but I don't want to wear it." I said, opening the door of the dressing room.

When she looks towards me, she suddenly stand up... wait, jump.

"Gasp! Oh My Goshhhhh! You're so cute! I can't—OMG!"

I see Ari looking at me from head to toe. "It looks good on you Cooper." Ari said, smiling lightly at me.

"See? Even Adrian said that you're cute!" ....Riri that's not what he said. You're making up things again.

"Well, if you say so. There is also nothing outdoor clothes in my closet so might as well buy it."

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