Chapter 8

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"Huaaaam." I'm sleepy.

I sit on the chair and make my arms cross on the table so I can sleep on it. Really sleepy.

"Now now, drink some warm milk to help you wake up." Norvyn said. I drink it and I can feel myself waking up.

"Mmmm, sweet!" I said. The milk is really sweet, just what I like, but I like chocolate milk more. Hmmm, is chocolate milk even a milk if it's flavor is chocolate?

"Good morning Norvyn good morning Ari... where's papa?" I asked when I did not see papa.

"Good morning too young master. Master leaved early. He needs to go abroad because there is an important business that needs his attendance."

"Is that important business more important than me?"

"Young master that is not true. You know he's doing this for you right? For your future." Norvyn said.

"Sigh. I know but I never seen him this past few weeks. I just missed him." What son will not miss his only father? His only family? Yeah, I considered Ari and Norvyn as my family because they are here for me from the start, when I was a kid but... I want my true family. There's only two of us and we still can't meet each other? Sometimes I wish that papa will always be here. I'm so selfish....

"Don't be sad Cooper. We're here for you... and Kristine too. Oh and master said that he promise to be here tomorrow with souvenirs." Adrian said, trying he's best to comfort me, which works by the way.



"Calm down Cooper we don't want to be so hyperactive do we?" Ari said, smiling at me.

"Ok got it! Whooh! ...Ummm just a question, What country is papa gone too?"

"He's in Acamthelenia now young master."

"Oh, not far from here." I live in Zuely, Sasto. My country is famous for its technology. Actually my papa is one of the top in technological advancements. Even though we're famous for our technology, Sasto are lacking in resources which Acamthelenia have. That's why papa's there.

I can't wait to see papa! Hmmm now I wonder what things he will bring...

"Eat now young master or your food will be cold." Norvyn said.

"Oh right! Hehe, I forgot that we have school today because I'm so excited!"

"Eat you food now." Ari said.


We are now in our school, walking our way to our first class. Just ten minutes before the bell rings. Hmmm, Riri said that she will tour us around but she still didn't do it. Maybe she forgot? That's possible. After all, there so many things happened this past few days, well for me at least...and Adrian. I think that I don't need her touring me around because I now know some places here but.. I still need someone to answer me if I ask directions.

"-oper. Cooper." Someone's tapping me on the shoulder.

"Huh?" I look beside me and I see Ari, frowning.

"We're here now. Sigh. You're doing it again." When I look around, I see the familiar door of our room. Oops, I didn't know that Ari is calling me because I'm in too deep in my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking things."

"What things?" he asked while opening the door for us.

I sit in my chair. "Oh, just some things that happened to us this past few days."

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