A new death eater

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"Umm father I was just thinking I am having a great time with you guys and I was wondering if...if I could be a death eater."

I said.This was followed by several gasps and shocked expressions my mom and dad included.

"Y-yes dear of course you can."

Said my dad in shock.


Draco said and I looked at him in confusion.

"What there are no other inner circle members that are my age and old people are boring."

He said the last part in a whisper and I burst out laughing.

"Omg I completely forgot but why don't I look like you guys I have seen Harry's memories of what Tom riddle used to look like and I don't look like my mom."

I asked confused.

"It's a glamour charm it was put on you as a baby would you like me to take it off now."

Said my dad.

"Yes but can I get a mirror so I can watch it happen."

I said excitedly I had seen what bellatrix looked like as a kid also and they were both good looking so I would look good either way.

"Of course."

Said my mom as she conjured a mirror I held it in front of me took a deep breath and said

"ok I'm ready."

My dad did a wave of his wand and just like that I had grown an inch or 2 I had a thin waist but hips long black curly hair just like my mothers my chest had also grown a few seizes (picture of her on the top)and I realized my cloths were really tight

"Do you have any clothes I could burrow mom."

I asked her.

"Oh I'll just transfigure it for you."

And she did and then The dress fit perfect again.

"Yay I can breath again."

I said As I  put my hands in the air in celebration.

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