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It was night, it was raining and two ponies were running in the forest without rest, ridden by two lost dwarves. They did not know where they were going, they were only fleeing, fleeing from a herd of orcs mounted on wargs that were approaching them at lightning speed, threatening to take their lives at any moment. The female dwarf could not fight, as she was several months pregnant, and many orcs were after them, so the male dwarf could not do much more than protect his wife. There was a child crying inconsolably with them, he was scared, not knowing what was happening, everything was very fast. He only heard the wargs behind them roaring and howling, the footsteps of their ponies and the screams of his parents as they spoke. He was terrified, sheltered between his father and the reins of the pony.

In a short time they emerged from the forest, seeing a population in front of them at some distance. - Over there! - Dís said, pointing to the place. The two ponies ran as fast as their legs could. Being so short they did not allow them to advance too much. Dís feared for her son, that he would not come home alive seeing that things were getting worse, so, with tears in her eyes and much regret, she decided to do the right thing. - Give me the child. - She asked. Her husband gave him to her very carefully and as quickly as he could, trying not to fall off the pony. The kid would not stop crying, now embraced by Dís as she led him to a house. Her husband stopped running, trying to contain the orcs so that he could get his wife and his son to the nearest house.

Once she got there, Dís carefully got off the pony and took the child in her arms. - C'mon darling. - She said. She carried him running to the door of a house. She touched it and then a tall man with a face of few friends opened it. - What is a dwarf and a child doing at this time of night here? - Said the man. - There is no time for explanations, my husband is facing a herd of orcs out there and I cannot take care of my son, we are far from our home and our ponies do not run enough, I want him to survive, please! - She said handing over the blond kid, who was still crying. The man looked at her scared and called his wife. - Take care of the child, I will warn the guard of the presence of orcs in the vicinity. - He said. - Child? - Asked a woman behind him.

As soon as he approached the door she could see a very small blond child crying in the arms of a female dwarf. - Please! - Dís said nervously. Then the woman scooped him up. - Thank you very much, keep him safe. His name is Fili, call him that. - Dís said. The woman looked at her with intrigue. - Who are you? - Said. - I am the granddaughter of the King of Erebor, Thrór. Never tell my son anything, he should not know his past, and, if he does in the end, let him discover it for himself. - Dís said. - Understood, lady dwarf, here your child will be safe. - Said the woman bowing. Dís smiled. - Thank you so much, I will always be grateful. - She said, and ran the best she could, heavily, towards her pony to help her husband, who was still facing the orcs, but this time with the help of men.

The woman closed the door of the house, slowly, and removed the clothing that protected the child. - Fili then. - She said with sadness on her face, seeing that the little dwarf had stopped crying. - He is a beautiful kid, he would be a good king. - Said the woman, caressing Fili's head. She went into the kitchen and made him a glass of milk. Later, she took him to the kitchen and sat him on a chair, offering him the glass. - Here, drink this, it's good for you. - Said the woman. She then lit a fire so they could be warm, drying Fili's hair and changing his clothes, putting a blanket over him. - You'll be safe here. - She said smiling while Fili drank the milk with his eyes lost in the flames, without saying anything.

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