Chapter 4

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Fili dreamed again, but this time not of the guy with the brown hair who called him brother, but of a little man with white beards. He was looking at Fili with an endearing smile at the entrance to what looked like a room. - Fili, your uncle is waiting for you downstairs. He's a bit grumpy about what you did yesterday in training, I don't like seeing him like that. You better go right away if you don't want it to get worse. - Said the old man. Fili was surprised to see him. - What training? Who are you? - Asked the blond dwarf, but the old little man was about to leave without answering his questions. - Who are you!? - He kept insisting, but the old little man did not turn around, he seemed not to hear him.

Suddenly he began to hear a voice calling him, a male voice. - Lad, hey lad, wake up. - It sounded. Fili looked everywhere, he didn't understand what was happening but the place began to fade little by little. - Phew, I thought something worse had happened to ya. - Said the dwarf who had rescued him from the orcs with relief. - The healer has already looked at you and treated your ankle, you will soon walk well again. - Said the dwarf. - C'mon, lean on me. - He said, offering his hand to Fili to help him lift him. - Thank you, master dwarf, you're very kind. - Fili said. - Meh, don't call me that, call me Bofur, we don't need formalities here. - Said the dwarf with a smile. - Bombur! Help me carry my things downstairs! We are going! - Asked Bofur. And, from among the rooms, came a dwarf much bigger than Bofur, and fatter. - This is my brother, Bombur. - Bofur said introducing the red haired dwarf to Fili. - Nice to meet you, I'm Fili. - Said the blond. - Bofur! Bombur! Come down now! We don't have all day. - His mother sent. - I go! C'mon Fili. - Bofur replied, carrying the blond dwarf.

Upon reaching the street, he could see not only Bofur and Bombur's mother, but also their father, the healer, another dwarf with an ax on his head (someone strange), and a young female dwarf. Fili was complaining about the pain of his ankle, he couldn't support his foot well. - Easy, easy, I'm not going to let ya go. - Bofur said, putting an expression of pain to see Fili so sore. - We are ready. - He continued. Everyone looked at the new member. - What's your name, handsome young dwarf? - Bofur's mother said. - Fili, nice to meet you. - And everyone looked at him with interest, all except one, who was somewhat surprised, and that one was the healer. Without knowing very well how to react when he knew the name of the stranger, he began to go to another house. - Where are you going? - Asked Bofur. - To tell Gloin that we are leaving, I'll be right back. - Said the healer without taking his eyes off the slightly nervous blond dwarf. Bofur realized this and was somewhat puzzled, but decided not to give it much relevance. - Let's go then! - Said the cheerful dwarf.

They were walking with the ponies towards the Blue Mountains and curiously Fili was chatting with the young female dwarf, who, to tell the truth, he had not stopped glancing at her since his eyes met her for the first time. She was blonde and with blue eyes, like him. - This lady here is a friend of mine, her name is Noora. - Said Bofur introducing the female dwarf to Fili. Fili blushed slightly, smiling instantly. - Nice name. - Said the blond dwarf. - Thank you, master dwarf. - Noora said with a shy smile. - Don't call the guy a dwarf, he think is a man and it bothers him... - Bofur said, trying to tease his new friend a bit. With this, he only managed to receive a bad look from the blond, but Fili decided to focus on the girl again. - Where are you from? - Fili asked. - From Ered Luin, but I came to Dunland because my parents moved. - The blonde girl answered. Fili took interest in her words. He looked around, then raised an eyebrow. - And where are they? I do not see any male or female dwarf like you. - Fili commented. That was the trigger that Noora saddened, and it did not go unnoticed by Fili.

- Something is wrong? - Asked the dwarf. Noora looked at him with nervousness and sadness in her eyes. - No... It's just... My parents died a couple of years ago... Now I'm an orphan. But that's not something you should worry about, I'm fine. A few months ago I was living with a friend, someone whom I considered almost like my sister, but she left and never came back. Now I live alone. - The young female dwarf answered. - I see... I'm sorry. - And they did not speak much more for a long time, silences that held unpleasant feelings.

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