Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Stampede

The next morning, Shani was seen walking through the Pridelands picking mangos and herbs while Mufasa and Zazu were both looking over the wildebeest herd, and both Scar and Simba were taking a walk through the Savannah, harmonizing the tune,

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh my Lord, kumbaya

After telling Simba about her tribe and how her people often helped animals who were injured, she felt inspired to continue her role in helping other animals by collecting herbs to help more animals for when her tribe returns and Mangos for her own food supply.

As she put another strand of herbs in her bag and was about to pick another mango, her purple eyes suddenly flashed as she got another vision. In her vision, she saw Simba running in a gorge from a giant wildebeest stampede and Scar clamping onto Mufasa's paws with a sinister grin as they're both on the edge of a cliff!

With both of her purple eyes widening and her heart dropping down in horror, Shani said,

"Oh no.... Oh dear God! NO!!!"

And with that, Shani took off in a panic. Hoping that she was not too late.


Meanwhile, Simba and Scar were walking in the bottom of a gorge towards a rock that was shaded by a tree as the older lion said to his nephew,

"Now, you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you."

Simba asked with curiosity, "Woah! What is it?"

Scar replied while Simba walked up to the top of the rock, "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

Simba said with a grin, "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised."

Scar replied with a chuckle, "You are such a naughty boy!"

Simba pleaded, "Come on, Uncle Scar."

Scar said shaking his head, "No-no-no-no-no-no-no. This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of father-son... Thing."

The older lion said in a chipper mood while preparing to leave, "Well! I'd better go get him."

Simba said while attempting to follow him, "I'll go with you!"

But Scar snapped, "No!"

Regaining his composure with a nervous laugh, Scar said while urging Simba back onto the rock,

"No. Just stay on this rock. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you and the human girl did with the hyenas..."

Simba asked with a look of shock, "You know about that?"

Scar replied, "Simba, everybody knows about that."

Simba asked in embarrassment, "Really?"

Scar said while putting a paw on Simba's shoulder, "Oh, yes. Lucky Daddy was there to save you both, eh? Oh... And just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours. Hmm?"

Simba said as Scar pulled away from him, "Oh... Okay."

As Scar began to walk away, Simba asked, "Hey, Uncle Scar! Will I like this surprise?"

Scar looked over his shoulder and replied, "Simba, it's to DIE for."

And with that, Scar left Simba alone in the gorge. Above the gorge, was a very large herd of wildebeest where the hyenas hid from underneath a rock arch, waiting for their leader.

Suddenly, Banzai's stomach started to growl and Shenzi said to him, "Shut up."

Banzai whined while jumping up, "I can't help it! I'm so hungry... I gotta have a wildebeest!"

Shenzi ordered him with a glare, "Stay put."

Banzai asked, "Well... Can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones?"

Shenzi snapped back, "No! We wait for the signal from Scar."

The three look up to see Scar mounting a rock, looking down at them with a evil grin. Knowing that it was time for them to act, Shenzi said to the other two hyenas with an evil yet amusing expression,

"There he is... Lets go."

And with that, the three hyenas left their hiding spot. Preparing to set forth with their evil plan.

Simba in the meantime continued to sit on the rock and begrudgingly said with a scoff, "Little roar. Puh!"

While he continued to sit with an angered tone, he soon noticed a lizard walking past him. Thinking it was a chance to practice his lion's roar, Simba started to growl at it, only for the lizard to give no reaction to him. Simba got off the rock and growled at the lizard once more, but the lizard wasn't phased at all and continued walking away from the young cub. Going for a third attempt, Simba got closer to the small creature and took in a deep, giving a louder roar as it echoed through the gorge and scared the lizard off.

Simba looked upward with a satisfied look as he took in the echo. However, Simba lowered his ears as he felt a low rumble and looked down to see the pebbles beside him starting to jump. Looking to his right, the young cub saw the wildebeest herd coming over the lip of the gorge. Seeing the gigantic herd coming towards him, a terrified Simba takes off running in front of the herd.

As more and more of the wildebeest herd piled in, the three hyenas chased after the few remaining wildebeests, nipping at their heels to drive them over the canyon with the rest of the herd. But that didn't stop Simba, as the young cub continued running for his life!


Meanwhile, Mufasa and Zazu were walking a short distance away from the canyon as Zazu caught wind of the fast moving herd and said,

"Oh look, sire. The herd is on the move."

Mufasa looked over his shoulder to glance at the herd, and said with a puzzled look, "Odd..."

All of a sudden, Shani came running up to the two as quick as lightning as she shouted, "MUFASA! Mufasa!"

Turning to the young woman, Mufasa asked with concern, "What is it, Shani?"

Shani spoke with panic written all over her face, "Mufasa, you have to come quick! It's Simba! He's-"

But before she could finish her sentence, Scar came up to them out of nowhere and interrupted while out of breath,

"Mufasa, Quick! Stampede... In the gorge. Simba's down there!"

Mufasa said with a worried expression, "Simba?"

Shani thought to herself in worry, 'Oh no! I'm too late!'

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