Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: The Final Battle

While everyone continued to battle, Simba and Shani jumped onto a ledge that rested above the war. While doing so, the African woman cried out to Tamur and the rest of her people,

"My people! Do whatever you can to put out the fire! Whether you have to use your sheets or water canteens, we cannot let it spread any further!"

While they watched Tamur and the Human Tribe go to work, the two looked to see Scar trying to quietly sneak away from the whole battle. With lightning flashing down the dark lion, Scar stopped dead in his tracks as he had just been revealed. Catching sight of him, Simba roared ferociously as he and Shani began to chase after Scar, With the lion saying to the African woman,

"Get on my back, Shani!"

Following Simba's orders, Shani quickly climbed onto Simba's back as the lion continued to chase his uncle down. Running all the way up to the highest point of Pride Rock, Scar jumped through the rising flames as he ran up to the edge. Stopping at the very edge, Scar gasped as he looked down at the sheer drop. Before he can even try to back away, the dark lion hears another roar and is suddenly cornered. He looks over his shoulder to see Simba and Shani jumping through the flames, appearing as strong and furious as ever!

Getting off of Simba's back and pulling a spear out from behind her own back, The African woman and the lion begin to lurk towards Scar as they both say quietly yet severely,


Knowing he was cornered at their mercy, Scar pleaded apprehensively,

Simba, Shani. Please... Please have mercy... I beg you."

Simba went on to say with anger in his eyes, "You don't deserve to live."

Scar went on to say as he shifted the blame on the hyenas, "But, Simba, I am... Ah... Family. It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault! It was their idea!"

Unbeknownst to everyone, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed overheard everything Scar had just said! Enraged by their friend's betrayal, the three hyenas growled as they back away.

Shani replied to the dark lion sarcastically, "Oh... So I guess the hyenas were responsible for my parents' deaths too, right?"

Simba angrily said to his uncle, "Why should I believe you? Everything you told me was a lie."

Scar fearfully asked his nephew with a nervous grin, trying to gain his sympathy,

"What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old uncle...?"

Having had enough of Scar's manipulations, Shani snapped as she brought her spear towards dark lion,

"You may be his uncle... But you sure as Hell aren't mine!"

Briefly shutting his eyes, Scar suddenly opened his eyes in surprise to see that Shani has not even stabbed him! With the African woman pointing her spear directly at his face.

With all the pent up anger and trauma that was kept inside of her, Shani angrily went on to say,

"You took everything from me, Scar! You took away my home, you took away my family, you took away someone that I even thought of as a second father... You took away my childhood! YOU TOOK SIXTEEN YEARS OF MY LIFE! Years, I could have been with my family! Years, I could have been with my tribe and the whole pride! Years, I could have learned more about the Circle of Life! YEARS, I will NEVER get back! And you dare speak to us about family?! Why, if anybody should put your sorry hide out of its misery, IT'S ME!!!"

Taking a moment to compose herself, Shani went on to say rather bluntly,

"However, that goes against my values. Killing you is not going to bring my mother and father back, nor will it bring Mufasa back. Someone who was far more worthy of being king than you could ever be in your lifetime. And while I can forgive those who'd done me wrong in the past... I will never forget."

Turning his attention towards Simba, Scar asked, "Well... Y-You're surely not going to kill me, are you Simba? My dear nephew."

Looking down at his uncle, Simba said bluntly, "No, Scar. I'm not like you."

Greatly relieved, Scar said as he rose to his feet, "Oh, Simba! Thank you! You are truly noble... Even the human girl. I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can I, ah... Prove myself to you you both? Tell me; I mean, anything."

With deep anger, Simba looked down at his uncle and said gravely, reminiscing the same words that Scar had told him long ago as the dark lion looked back at him in horror,

"Run... Run away, Scar. And never return."

With caution, Scar said as he walked past both Simba and Shani, spotting a pile of hot coals,

"Yes. Of course. As you wish... Your MAJESTIES!!!"

Taking the chance, Scar swiped the coals into Simba's face, causing his nephew to cry out in pain and surprise and for Shani to cry out in worry for her friend,


Then out of nowhere, Scar leapt at Simba and had begun to attack him. As the two roll over and bite at each other, Scar eventually kicked Simba over the edge of the cliff, with the golden lion managing to hang on. Seeing that Scar was about to charge at and drive Simba off the edge of the cliff, Shani used her spear to stab Scar in the back.

Roaring in pain, the dark lion looked over his shoulder to see the African woman pointing her bloody spear at him courageously.

Taking a minute to recover from the pain, Scar went on to say with a sinister grin,

"Oh dear, it looks like the little human girl wants to fight... You know, I could use a challenge. Because after I get rid of you, killing off your human tribe will be all TOO EASY!!!"

Glaring at the dark lion with rage in her eyes, Shani angrily snapped,

"Over my dead body!"

As she slashed her spear towards Scar with her missing him as the two began combat. Scar charged at the African woman and did what he could to slash at her with his claws, with Shani dodging him and slashing him in the back and side each time while Simba struggled to climb back up. At one point, Scar attempted to charge at her once more as Shani used her spear to jump out of the way and use the point of her spear to slash at the dark lion's right eye, just as her father had once done in the past.

Enraged at the African woman's actions, Scar roared in anger as he swiped Shani's spear away, breaking it in half! Knocking her to the ground, Scar slashed at Shani's arm, drawing blood. Proceeding to take a hard bite at her shoulder, the African woman cried out in pain as she desperately reached for her dagger, plunging it into the side of Scar's shoulder! Roaring in pain, the dark lion released her as Shani took the chance and used her legs to kick Scar away from her.

The wound that Scar had received only made the dark lion angrier as he charged towards Shani while the African woman clutched her shoulder in pain. Before he could finish her off however, he was suddenly stopped by Simba as the golden lion had finally managed to climb back up to the edge and pushed his uncle away from Shani began to battle his uncle.

Taking hard strikes from each other, the two powerful lions were neck and neck! That all came to a stop however, when Scar struck Simba hard in the face, knocking him down to the ground. As Shani knelt down beside the golden lion to check on him, the two looked on in alarm to see Scar leap through the flames towards them, roaring ferociously.

Before he can attack the two however, Simba regained his courage and used Scar's momentum in a throw that was similar to Nala's fighting tactics, sending his uncle flying over the edge! The dark lion continued to tumble to the bottom, landing on the ground with a hard thud! With his nephew and the African woman watching on.

Weakly getting up, Scar looked to see Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed approaching them, with hatred and anger written all over their faces.

Smiling towards the trio, Scar said with relief, "Ahh, my friends."

With a scoff, Shenzi said with an evil grin, "Friends? I thought he said we were the enemy!"

Scar looked on in horror as Banzai replied, "Yeah, that's what I heard."

Gazing towards the third hyena, both Shenzi and Banzai asked, "Ed?"

Ed replied with only an evil laugh as more and more hyenas began to come forward and lurk towards the dark lion.

Knowing he was cornered, Scar began to say nervously,

"No. L-L-L-Le-Le-Le-Le-Let me explain. No. You don't understand. No! I didn't mean for... No! No! Look, I'm sorry I called you... No! NOO!!!"

But none of them listened, as the horde of hyenas began to close on their former leader and devour the dark lion! Bringing an end to Scar's reign and tyranny for good.


Hey guys! Here's an update for my Lion King story! I hope you all enjoy this one and stay tuned! We're getting this close to finishing the story! ;)

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