Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Morning Lesson/Morning Report/Visit With Scar

As time went on, Simba had grown into a healthy young lion cub and Shani had become more accepted within both the pride and the Pridelands. Despite not having a very good relationship with Scar, all of the lionesses including Sarabi treated Shani as if she were of their own kind, and Mufasa had taught her how all the animals live within the Savannah, as well as how to defend both herself and Simba when he wasn't around. So far, life could not be any better for both Shani and the young prince, especially as they were about to learn how to rule the kingdom alongside each other and the ways of the Circle of Life.

One early morning, Simba had ran up to the edge of Pride Rock, looking over to see that the new day was beginning to start. Excited, Simba had ran back inside the lion's den, shouting to his father,

"Dad! Dad! Come on, Dad! We gotta go! Wake up!"

He started jumping over the other lionesses to try to get to his parents and Shani. One of them groaned after he had jumped on them, causing him to quickly say as he continued making his way over to his family,


Once he finally made his way over to his parents and Shani, Simba started saying repeatedly, "Dad! Shani! Dad! Shani!"

Shani moaned and buried her face into the bag she used as a pillow as Sarabi said exhaustingly,

"Your son's awake."

Mufasa replied with a groan, "Before sunrise, he's your son."

And he went back to sleep with a couple of snores. Turning his attention to Shani, Simba took a mouthful of her hair in his teeth, and began tugging at her hair to try to wake her up. After giving one hard tug at her hair, Shani exclaimed with a chuckle as she sat up and pulled her hair back,

"OW! Geez, Simba! What's the rush? Today ain't goin' no where."

Simba looked to her and said, "But Shani, today's a big day! Dad's going to show you and me the whole Kingdom."

Shani smiled and said reassuringly, "I know, you're really excited for it. I am too. We'll be able to go soon."

The two were immediately startled however and looked to see the king's snoring rather loudly.

Smirking, Shani looked down at Simba and said to him finishing her sentence, "Just as soon as you can wake up king snores-a-lot."

Turning his attention back to his dad, Simba ran back up to Mufasa and said, "Dad! Dad! Come on, Dad!"

To try to wake him, Simba started tugging on Mufasa's ear, only to be sent flying back into a pile of bones. Getting back up, Simba ran towards his father's face and head-butted him.

Mufasa opened one eye lid and looked to Simba as he shouted with a pout, "You promised!"

Seeing his son pout, Mufasa said, "Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm up."

Excitedly, Simba shouted while running out of the den, "Yeah!"

Shani giggled in response as Mufasa let out a huge yawn and she stood up and stretched alongside him and Sarabi. The young cub had already made his way outside by the time his parents and Shani walked out of the den.

Simba came towards his mother and quickly nuzzled her as she gave her son a playful nudge from behind and lovingly nuzzled Shani's hand as the young woman gently pet her head. The lion queen then sat down with a smile as she watched her mate, son, and the human girl began to walk up to the top of Pride Rock.

The sun had already begun to rise and the sky turned into a lighter blue, pink, orange, and yellow. As the three sat on top of Pride Rock, Mufasa said to them as they watched the sunrise,

"Look, Simba and Shani. Everything the light touches, is our kingdom."

Amazed, Simba said, "Wow!"

Shani said, "Amazing!"

Mufasa continued to say, "A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here. And will rise with you as the new king and Shani, as the new leader of the humans."

Simba asked, "And this will all be ours?"

Mufasa answered simply, "Everything."

Amazed, Simba exclaimed, "Woah!"

Shani walked towards the right side of the rock and looked out towards a dark area that bared no light and asked while observing it,

"Hmm, everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place over there, Mufasa?"

Mufasa answered coming towards her and Simba, "That's beyond our borders. You and Simba must never go there."

Simba argued, "But I thought a king could do whatever he wants."

Mufasa smiled and said as he began to walk away with Shani following him, "Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time."

Simba asked with curiosity as he followed behind them, "There's more?"

Mufasa chuckled at his son, saying, "Simba!"

Shani chimed in with a grin as they left Pride Rock and started walking towards the Savannah,

"Of course there's more to being a king. Being a ruler takes a lot of responsibility Simba, and it involves not just having respect for yourself, but for those around you."

Mufasa nodded in agreement and explained as they walked through the Savannah, observing a herd of leaping antelope and the ants,

"She's right, Simba. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As King, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope."

Confused, Simba asked, "But Dad, don't we eat the antelope?"

Mufasa explained, "Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life."

In that moment, Zazu came flying towards them and happily greeted them while landing on a rock,

"Good morning, Sire! Ah, good morning, Shani!"

Mufasa greeted happily, "Good morning, Zazu!"

Shani greeted with a grin, "Good morning to you too, Zazu!"

Zazu said with a salute, "Checking in with the morning report!"

Mufasa replied with a nod, "Fire away."

Zazu began his report with a song as Simba spotted a gopher peeping out of a dirt hole and tried to catch it, only for it to pop back into the hole;

Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all
Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall

Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the bank
Showed interest in my nest egg but I quickly said "No thanks!"
We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch
Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch

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