Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Be Prepared

Within the dark, green, and misty caves of the elephant graveyard, Banzai growled, "Man, that lousy human and Mufasa! I won't be able to sit for a week!"

Ed laughed idiotically in response, causing Banzai to grumble with the scratch marks all around his rear,

"It's not funny, Ed."

Ed busted out with more idiotic laughter, causing Banzai to snap, "Hey! Shut up!"

But that didn't stop Ed from laughing, causing Banzai to growl and lunge out at him. The two started to fight until Shenzi, who was standing from the top of one of the ledges, had enough with their nonsense and snapped,

"Will you two knock it off?!"

The two broke the tussle, with Ed chewing on his leg and Banzai arguing while pointing to the latter,

"He started it!"

Shenzi said while coming down to join the two, "Look at you guys! No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain."

Banzai sneered while drooling, "Man, I hate dangling."

Shenzi said with a scoff, "Yeah? Ya know, if it weren't for those lions and humans, we'd be runnin' the joint."

Banzai said with disdain, "Man, I hate lions and humans!"

Shenzi said, "So pushy!"

Banzai added, "And hairy!"

Shenzi added, "And stinky!"

Shenzi joined Banzai back to back as they finally finished off with, "And man, are they ugly!"

And they both cackled with laughter, but they were soon interrupted as Scar spoke up from a small perch above the geysers as green mist shot above,

"Oh, surely we lions aren't all that bad."

The three hyenas sighed with relief and Banzai said sheepishly, "Oh, Scar. It's just you."

Shenzi said, "We were afraid it was somebody important."

Banzai said, "Yeah! You know like, Mufasa."

Shani said, "Yeah!"

Scar said with disdain, "I see."

Banzai looked to Shenzi and said, "Now that's power."

Shenzi replied, "Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder."

Banzai says in a scary voice, trying to have fun, "Mufasa!"

Shenzi shuddered, and said while tapping Banzai with her paw, "Do it again."

Banzai said, "Mufasa!"

Shenzi shuddered once more and Banzai shouted once more, "Mufasa! Mufasa! MUFASA!"

Causing Shenzi to shudder and laugh with Ed falling back in laughter.

Shenzi said with a snicker, "Ooh! It tingles me!"

Looking down at them with disdain, Scar said with a groan while rolling his eyes, "I'm surrounded by idiots."

Banzai went on to say reassuringly, "Not you, Scar! I mean, You're one of us! I mean, you're our pal!"

Scar replied sarcastically, "Charmed."

Shenzi said, "I like that! he's not king, but he's still so proper."

Banzai asked rather excitedly, "Hey! Hey, did you bring us anything to eat, Scar? Old buddy? Old pal? Huh? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya?!"

Scar answered as he dangled a zebra's leg over the hyenas while they each got on their hind legs and drooled, clearly begging for the food,

"I don't think you really deserve this. I practically gift wrapped those cubs for you, and you couldn't even dispose of them. Not to mention, the filthy purple-eyed human girl. After all, she was an easy target and the one major thing I asked you to dispose of, you couldn't even do that."

And he released the zebra leg, dropping it down in front of the hyenas and causing them to dig into it ravenously. While eating the hunted meat, Shenzi said while looking up,

"Well ya know, it wasn't like they was alone, Scar."

Banzai added, "Yeah! Aside from Mufasa, that human girl's got some mad skills since the last time we saw her."

Shenzi asked with a raised brow, "Ya Know Scar, I don't get it. Why do ya want to get rid of this human so bad? I mean don't get me wrong, I hate her and humans as much as the next animal, but why her specifically?"

Scar explained as his eyes glowed through the mist that shot from the geysers, "You're right, Shenzi. You don't get it, none of you get it really. After all, you just see her as an enemy or another meal for your next dinner. But this isn't just some other ordinary human that I despise. It's those eyes!"

All three of the hyenas gasped as Scar elaborated further,

"I've seen eyes like hers before. Similar eyes. They were the same eyes that destroyed my plan in getting rid of Mufasa and claiming the throne for myself. The poacher would've gotten rid of him that day and my paws would've been clean, if it hadn't been for that tan skinned, purple eyed woman that intervened along with the human tribe! Once she paired up with the tribe's leader, I knew she wasn't going anywhere so once I got older...I decided to take matters into my own paws."

A flashback was being shown of a younger Scar, then named Taka being surrounded by Jaffe and the rest of the village men as they all pointed their spears at him. Jaffe took a spear of his own from behind his back and slashed it Taka's left eye, leaving a bloody scar and causing Taka to roar in both pain and anger. Jaffe shouted to Taka as the other village men started to close in on him,

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