Tulpa 2.0

149 4 11

This branches off the Tulpa Theory.

It's the idea that although we may not have created one version of them all together,
Individuals who place a bunch of time and energy into them *cough* researchers *cough*
end up creating tulpas, which is why they have experiences.

This also goes to explain why some of them have been reported having different sorts of temperaments, slightly different appearances, etc..

It's pretty short and to the point. But yeah, hey, maybe you accidently created a few tulpas my researching dudes.


   Do you believe in The Creepypastas/The Slenderman? Do you just believe in a couple of them? Who? Why?

Hope you enjoyed!

_* If you have any theories or unpopular opinions just comment or pm me and I'll fit them in as soon as possible*_

~hasta luego :)

Note: my head been in a weird place lately, I'm tryna think of new theories tho, be with you soon.

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