The Rake Theory

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Now this is a theory I had never heard about until very recently.

This is the theory that there are many different "Rakes" (not the  yard tool, unfortunately), and some more stuff.

It is said that there are many "Rake" creatures, as it is known to operate in several countries, with accounts of it going hundreds of years back.

The Rake is also said to be a proxy that mutated over time into the horrifying state that it is currently in.

This is associated with the sigma theory as many think The Rake mutated because of the sigma radiation The Slenderman radiates.

That's pretty much all there is to it, but I found it to be a very interesting theory as I have almost always seen The Rake presented as a singular and independent creature.

What do you think?

Unpopular Opinion(?):

   A lot of supposedly "real" creepypasta stories are easily disproved with a quick search on Google. Believing something without researching makes you look dumb.

Hope you enjoyed!

-* If you have any theories, questions, or unpopular opinions just comment them or pm me and I'll fit them in as soon as possible.*-

~See you soon ;)

  I've been watching some videos on YouTube and videos with The Rake in them seem to be popping up more lately. Not even grainy ones, like, ones with decent quality. What do you think?

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