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I suppose this isn't really a theory, but I decided to talk about it.

SX CP is a YouTube channel supposedly run by the Creepypastas.

There are about 7 or so videos as of now, mainly just introductions to characters and lore in what I like to consider a new mystery ARG.

This is mostly some notes.

- Plays across as a relatively well written spoopy game/video story idea.
But, I must admit, the "..." For dramatic pauses has me rolling. No offense to the whoever created the channel, presumably the creator of The Black Wolf.

- A few grammatical errors, but very few, spread out through different videos.

- It's pretty good. The background sounds are cool and add to the atmosphere well. So props to the creator for that.

- A lot of the videos just seem to be telling us "who they are now" because of The Black Wolf, and the creator's own interpretation of creepypasta lore.
It also sorta feels like the creator is trying to change the lore, which is an interesting direction to come from.

 - All the videos, despite supposedly being by different Creepypastas, seem to have the same writing ability and habits. Which is not only improbable, but also highly unrealistic of actual people.


- The only thing I would really change is checking grammar thoroughly and going a bit easier with the dramatics. Dramatic pauses, and flamboyant word usage makes it seem less serious and more difficult to believe.


   My advice is to either let it come out that SX CP is a new kind of Marble Hornets/Tribetwelve thing, or have to worry about you accidently causing something similar to the Slender stabbing to happen again.

Because regardless of us not wanting them here, there will always be crazy fangirls and people who have a difficult time discerning fiction from reality. (no shade to people with mental disabilities).

Comment if you would like me to do a separate book with full critiques for each individual video.


Unpopular Opinion:
   Though change is good, perhaps we shouldn't base our change on a single character.

Hope you enjoyed!

-* If you have any theories, questions, or unpopular opinions just comment them or pm me and I'll fit them in as soon as possible.*-

~Enjoy the next 24 hours ;)

Note: I feel like I've seen the channel name before, so I think I've read some other books that have covered it, idk.

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