Quantum Theory

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The Quantum theory is a popular theory in close competition with the Tulpa theory.

   Quantum theory is based around the idea that Slender Man is a physical substratum, not a thoughtform, whose existence and powers are in part reliant on physics and understood science. 

  Slenderwalking can be attributed to both of these theories. This explanation seeks a physical explanation and not a pseudo-scientific explanation for Slender Man.

Which pretty much means science, idk.


   One of Slender man's most infamous abilities, Slender Walking, is the ability of the Slender Man that allows him to appear and disappear at will, granting him his omnipresent-like movement, allowing him to teleport from one point to another virtually anywhere instantly and often without any physical indication of the teleportation.

The ability is often explained in a variety of forms, and depending on the depiction in that medium, it may be substantially different (i.e., a paranormal explanation rather than a scientific one, or a demonic explanation rather than an alien one, etc.). The theory of Slender Man as a Fourth Dimensional Being is one of a few explanations to try and explain this using the Quantum Theory, but to date, no factual statement has been made that fully determines this explanation.

   The Quantum theory states that the molecules or whatever that make up The Slenderman are always in motion, only stopping when He is viewed.

Which goes to explain why he is often seen simply standing and staring, as he literally cannot move.

What do you think of this theory?


  If people want to be proxies so bad, why don't they just get physically fit and be healthy? It would prob increase your chances of getting noticed too.

Hope you enjoyed!

-* If you have any theories, questions, or unpopular opinions just comment them or pm me and I'll fit them in as soon as possible.*-

~Til next time ;)


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