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Leigh-Anne tapped her fingers on the cold table as she waited for Harry to come. She was happy that he was willing to come and talk to her considering how she reacted. Leigh-Anne might've overreacted about the whole situation and didn't give him the chance to explain himself. She was just fired up in the moment and she didn't want to hear his excuses.

"Leigh-Anne?" She shook out her thoughts once his deep voice brought her back down to earth. He looked better than when she last saw him. His skin was tanner and his chocolate curls were now pushed back with a white bandana restricting it. His green eyes however where dull and lifeless and Leigh-Anne knew that this situation was the cause of it.

"Can I sit?" She nodded and pushed the cup of tea towards him as he sat down.

"Two sugars." she stated. Harry grinned at this and brought the cup of tea to his lips. She stared at him admiring his plump pink lips and his chiseled face.

"So," Leigh-Anne blinked. "We obviously have some 'things' to talk about." Harry shuffled in his chair and looked down at his cup of tea.

"Yeah.." he paused and looked up at her. "Leigh-Anne I truly am sorry about what happened that night. I'm sorry for ignoring all of your calls. I'm sorry for being such an idiot and kissing that girl. I promise I never meant to hurt you baby." She sighed knowing that when he called her that pet name she would melt.

She could tell that he meant everything he said by the way he had grabbed her hand and looked her in the eye. "I know that you didn't mean to hurt me and I'm sorry I didn't give you the chance to explain yourself. That was wrong on my part." She felt him squeeze her hand in his and she squeezed it back just as hard.

"None of this you have to be sorry about. I was the one in the wrong and I just want you back with me. I miss waking up next to you and seeing your gorgeous face snoring." She laughed and looked down at the table as he joined in.

Leigh-Anne needed this. She needed him. "Shut up and kiss me Styles before I change my mind on forgiving you." He smirked and leant over the table and pressed his lips to hers.

She forgot about all the other people in the cafe or the paparazzi outside who followed Harry here. What mattered was that her and Harry were back together. It wasn't like they broke up in the first place but it felt like it. He tried pushing his tongue through her lips which she blocked teasingly.

He pulled back and their lips made a smooch sound. Harry stared at her with a pout that she wouldn't allow him further access. She giggled at this and pecked his lips. They were in a public place and she didn't want show these strangers a make out session right infront of their eyes.

"Leigh-Anne. Always the tease." Harry said knowingly. She shook her head before grabbing his hand as he threw a few pound dollars on the table.

"Not always. I someti-" before she could finish Harry gave her look that showed that she never didn't tease. But she loved teasing Harry, it was fun seeing him horny. And he got childish when he was horny.

"Well maybe I do sometimes..but you have to admit you love it."

"Actually...you might be right." She bit her lip and shook her head at her fiancée. As they walked out of the cafe paparazzi swarmed them but luckily Harry's bodyguards were there to block them.

"Harry! Harry! I love you!"

"Harry Leigh-Anne over here!"

"Leigh-Anne when are you two gonna get married?"

She had to think about that one. She didn't know when they were going to get married. They both had just been so busy to start planning that it didn't come to mind. Leigh-Anne didn't want to rush anything though considering they just got back together.

"Babe you ok?" She looked over at Harry when they were in the car and smiled. "Yeah I'm fine." She said twirling her fingers.

He looked at her suspiciously but he decided to let it go. "Come here." He waved her towards him and she scooted towards him and laid her head on his lap. She closed her eyes while he caresses her curly fro and since the 3 weeks that they had been apart, she finally felt comforted.

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