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Omg hello guys!! So thank you 78 reads in a month? Or two? Either way I'm still happy because this is the first and I am new. Hope you continue supporting this story xx :)

Here is Leo's pov



I can't define the feeling. No words can express how much I feel now that it's finally in front of me.

I've been waiting for this moment to come in my whole entire life so far. Actually, everyone in this room have been waiting for it.

I'm talking about the last final quarter test paper! Yeheyyyy after this, all we have to do is hope and pray that we'll pass and if we do, then we can finally leave High School.

I don't even care at this time anymore. Teacher says 30% of our grades will be calculated coming from our GPAs in the previous quarters.

You know what they say, YOLO.

I cannot wait to leave this shitty school and enter a world of new experience: I'm talking about college, man!

I'm totally screwed if I start becoming unfocused. The fact that it's been a month since Christina and I stopped talking to each other is starting to bug me.

The fact that we fought and just completely ended and forgotten that two years of secret undetermined relationship. Friendship? Well I didn't forget nor am I trying to forget about it. I don't want to force myself and believe that I'll actually apologize to her but why do I keep wanting her trust and all that we had back!? I know it's my fault but that's not a big deal, I don't feel like putting all the blame on myself.

At snack time today, she tried staying in the classroom hoping that I'll finally have the guts to talk to her, or the other way around. But that didn't work.

When everyone was leaving the classroom, I went with them. Even the others were surprised that I actually left the room. I just really wanted to avoid her and I can't even remember the reason why.

All I'm relying on, is the belief to myself that before we graduate, we'll still stay friends regardless of the reality that I won't be remembering any of them after that. I just don't want to and besides, there are like twenty three names in the class that I do not know of. Christina is the only one I'm sure I can always get right. Christina Larrivey Burney.

Okay okay...




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