Demonic love act 2 part 1

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(the scene opens with Tulila in her cell awaiting trial entering downstage left center stage as Cayden is running through the forest trying to find her entering upstage right center stage)

Tulila: (pacing her cell as time goes by as she awaits her trial) Why did it come to this?

Cayden: (while trying to get back to her) Why did they have to do this to her? 

Tulila: what if we hadn't spent that night together?

Cayden: what if she had stayed in her world?

Tulila: we were happy, we were so close to crossing the line and leaving together.

Cayden: to being together forever & to having her until the day I die. 

(The two start to imagine what might happen if one of them could be gone forever. They ponder this as What Hurts the Most starts to play as Cayden and Tulila look back their lives and reflect on how much would change if they hadn't met. As the song reaches the bridge the two lovebirds start lamenting about how much they wanted to be together forever. At the end of the song Cayden runs on from stage right and is trying to make his way back to his wife as he starts to wonder if what he's doing is for the right reasons)

Cayden: why am I doing this? I should be, no that's not going to be me anymore. But, what if no why am I thinking about this? Am I doing it for the right reasons? 

( Cayden ponders this thought as turning tables starts to plays as Cayden starts to recall what he said to Johnathan before he ran off. at the bridge of the song he starts thinking about how much his world changed since he met Tulila and that his people are showing their true colors for the first time. at the end of the song he starts to feel his heart darken as he tries to make his way back to Tulila as the dawn breaks)

(The set changes to the next day in court as Tulila is brought in stage left and the Angelic council are brought in stage right into the right center and Tulila is put into the center stage. The trial takes place while Tulila is trying to prove that she's innocent.)

Angelic council: Now Mrs. Lila you were spotted with another species on the night of your wedding is that right? or would you say that all that isn't true?

Tulila: (a little hesitant at first) yes (pause) that is correct, but please you have to listen to me, please just listen. 

(she starts to plead her case as the courtroom is frozen in time. The song Human starts to play as Tulila gets up and walks around the courtroom. As she concludes her case she makes her way back to the witness stand as the song and her statement concludes.)

Tulila: Please your honor, I know that I ran away from my own wedding and got married to someone else. but if you knew what I was going through you wouldn't have me in this position.

Angelic council (member#1): Mrs. Lila as someone who had that kind of experience I know exactly what you went through back in your world. because I was the raised the same way I was beaten, I was bruised, and I was hurt and didn't know how to trust anyone. however your actions Mrs. Lila do have major consequences that unfortunately can not go unnoticed.

(Mad'ya stand up from her seat as the court is about to announced her sisters sentence.)

Mad'ya: please ma'am don't punish my sister for something that led her to do. Just give her a chance to explain why she did what did please.

Angelic council (member #1): While i do appreciate your honesty Ms. Mad'ya, this case unfortunately this case is out of my hands at the moment. So I have no choice Mrs. Lila, but to sentence you to death by a shot in the heart for your crime against your own world. (the member bangs the gavel to end the trial.)

(Emieta, Mira, and Mad'ya all are shocked about the court's decision and try their hardest not to cry for Tulila.)

Mad'ya: what?

Mira: no

Emieta: oh my God 

(Meanwhile the set changes from afternoon to sunset as Cayden runs in stage right upstage as he starts to wonder that the worst might have happened to them. As he tries to find her in his exhausted state he calls out her name as he becomes more demonic.)

Cayden: (shouts) Lila! Why did you have to do this Johnathan? I thought I could trust you after all this! (pause) what if I never see Tulila again.

(Cayden ponders this thought as the present version of Cayden comes on downstage right and takes over the dialogue) 

Cayden: that was the thought that would keep me wondering what would've happened if Tulila hadn't come to our world, but that was the least of my worries. I knew that the worst was yet to come for us. 

(the present Cayden goes off stage right as the upstage right Cayden runs downstage center right as breakeven starts playing.  Cayden starts to wonder what will happen to him and Tulila as he starts to rebel against his society. as he starts to rebel he worries that he will become a more worse version of himself as the pain of losing his true love is cutting deeper. as the song fades Cayden seven years prior starts to run towards the village. in the distance he sees torches lit up and a post that the angels use for executions.)

Cayden: wait, what the? ( realizes what Tulila's fate was) oh my God (shouts in anger but no one can hear him) What society am I living in?!? ( continues to shout) why should I be apart of something you created? To hurt the innocent and the guilty who don't follow your rules? What good did I get out of this? Why should I play by your games and by your rules? So I keep my place of hell? 

(Cayden starts running towards Tulila off upstage left as jar of hearts starts up as both Tulila and Cayden attempt to see each other one last time. Tulila enters stage left and goes up to the post as she does she looks at the people as they are prepared to take an innocent life. as the two love birds sing together Tulila is given one last chance to say what she wants to say to the people of the village as Cayden runs in upstage right and tries to push through the crowd. but she refuses as Cayden starts to get through the crowd and gets closer to Tulila as she is shot as the song fades and everyone leaves, but Tulila's stepmom, mother and sister.)

Cayden: (rushes to Tulila's side and tries to hold and talk to her one last time) Tulila I'm so sorry this happened (starts crying) 

Tulila: (faintly) it's okay (pause) like I said I will always (pause) be with you (pause) no matter what (pause) even though (pause as the song say something(I'm giving up on you) starts to play over the love birds) I'm not with you physically.

(as the song plays out the two lovers sing to each other one last time as Tulila dies in Cayden's arms. as the songs ends Cayden and Tulila kiss each other one last time as Tulila dies as Cayden starts crying over her dead bpody as Emieta, Mira, and Mad'ya walk up to him and embrace him as they try to comfort him.)

Mad'ya: (puts her arms around Cayden and her sister's hands) I'm so sorry (pause for the both of you.

Mira: (walks up to the couple) we tried to save her we really did.

Emieta: (walks up and put her hand on Cayden shoulder) but when we did it was too late we'll give you the time you need okay.

Cayden: (while trying to hold back the tears) thank you I'll have to send her back home for her burial and let her father and step mother know.

(Emieta, Mira, and Mad'ya exit stage left to leave to let Cayden grieve over his wife's dead body)

Demonic love (a jukebox musical)Where stories live. Discover now