act 1 script part 2

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Tulila: fine I just (pause) life isn't always (pause) or wasn't always easy for me and I'm sure it wasn't easy for you either.

Mad'ya: It wasn't easy & you should know that what we face shouldn't have to happen to us (pause) okay look whatever happened to you, you can tell me (pause) because you know that whatever you went through I remember going through those stages at your age.

Tulila: you really think that things need to change for us in our world.

Mad'ya: yeah I do girls like us don't have to suffer through what they put us through.

Tulila: Really (pause) because the demon world isn't as nice as i thought they were when I was younger. Things are like (pause) they're like (Demons starts playing as Tulia explains how the demon world has affected her. As she reaches the second verse her sister joins her as they sing about how much things need to change in the demon world. During the climax of the song they both look back on their lives before the chaos that ensued as they finish up Tulila's transformation. At the end of the song they look at each other & start crying & hug each other as they rekindle their relationship as sisters.)

(Mira knocks on the door)

Mira: girls are you ready yet?

Mad'ya: Oh yeah almost  mom! (pause turns to Tulila & looks at her with trust in her eyes) remember things need to change & your not alone in all this (wipes the tears away from Tulila's eyes) okay

Tulila: okay (hugs her sister before they show both Emieta & Mira Tulila's finished look.) thank you  for everything that you & mom have done.

Mad'ya: your welcome (while hugging her) now let's go show mom

Tulila: wait what if people find out the truth?

Mad'ya: don't worry (pause) we have your back.

Tulila: thanks

( Meanwhile the set change to Emieta & Mira in the kitchen)

Emieta: (while Mira's pacing the floor) will you please stop pacing the floor. Honey everything will be fine I promise.

Mira: (hesitant) are you sure?

Emieta: Really. Honey I'm sure everything will be fine don't worry okay.

Mira: okay, but what if it's not she the only good thing that came out of that marriage.

Emieta: Don't worry sweetie you have me now you don't have to worry about him anymore (pause) okay.

Mira: Emeita (pause as she walks up to her and hugs her as she pulls away she kisses Emieta) what would I ever do without you 

Emieta: you know I would love you to the moon & back Mira

(they kiss)

Mad'ya: (as she comes down the stairs)  Mom, Mother we're ready 

Mira: oh here she comes

Emieta: oh she's gonna look so beautiful

(Tulila comes down the stairs in a glittering white dress)

Mad'ya: Oh my God 

Mira: Tulila you look like a real angel

Emieta: you do look amazing dear

Tulila: thanks Mom and thanks mom 

(hugs her mother and Emieta) 

Emieta; now that you look the part why don't we show you around the town. 

Demonic love (a jukebox musical)Where stories live. Discover now