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OH NO! Ann's car pulls into the driveway. Mr Pickles runs under the couch as Ann walks into the apartment. " What happened here!?" yells Ann as she walks up to the broken vase. Mr Pickles crawls out from under the couch. "You did this didn't you, this is why I hate pets." moans Ann. Mr Pickles sadly slugs away. Later that day Ann comes into the guest sleep room where Mr Pickles lays sadly on the bed. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, what am I doing talking to cat?" Ann says " I know you are making an effort, so I will too."

For the rest of the day Mr Pickles and Ann got along. They watched movies, had lunch and Ann even played with Mr Pickles for a while. To any onlooker it would seem Mr Pickles is starting to mature and become more friendly, but no. HA Mr Pickles, mature, never! He was so good at tricking THE TRASH that he even tricked you in the process. Mr Pickles is still the old Mr Pickles, he's just a really good actor, that's all.

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