That's the stuff

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Okay, let's do dis! Mr Pickles ran into the sleep room and looked around for the catnip. BINGO! The catnip is sitting on the clothing wardrobe. Mr Pickles runs up to the wardrobe. The catnip is at the top which is 6 feet tall. Mr Pickles thought for a moment. Got it! All he has to do is is climb the wardrobe ... and not knock it over. So he jumps, and makes it. The wardrobe is wobbling like crazy but it's fine. Mr Pickles pushes the catnip container to the floor. He then jumps down and opens the lid with his mouth.

SWEET CATNIP! There must be at least 5 pounds here. As Mr Pickles is about to dig in he hears the sound of the door being unlocked. Oh no THE HUMAN must be home. Mr Pickles runs out of the room but quickly comes running back and pushes the catnip with him all the way to the toilet room. He closes the door and waits. " Pickles, I'm home " yells THE HUMAN "I hope you didn't do anything naughty." Well now is his chance. Mr Pickles sticks his whole head into the catnip and eats as much as he can. THE HUMAN walks in. "PICKLES, NO!" yells THE HUMAN. She grabs the catnip and chases Mr Pickles out. Well too late now.

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