chapter 24

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liz's pov

"You seem really happy," Sylvie noted as we got to the firehouse together for our shift the next morning. I smiled at her among sitting down at the table. "Just happy to be back with you guys." Joe eyed me suspiciously. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He made a mouth-zipping gesture. "I won't say a word, remember?" I laughed. "You won't stick to that for more than a day either way. Just spill it, Cruz."

Everyone at the table looked at him expectantly. He shrugged. "Last night you complained you were tired. Then you dragged a certain brown-haired, green-eyed detective outside to make out in the alley and got into his car after." He grinned at me. "All I'm saying is I'm not police, but this might have something to do with your extraordinary cheerfulness early in the morning. Rumour has it yesterday wasn't the first time you guys were all over each other leaving Molly's."

Sylvie and I exchanged knowing glances. "And I always thought girls were the ones to gossip," I remarked. Sylvie sighed in a dramatic manner. "Only until you come to firehouse 51." She turned towards Cruz, lowering her voice secretively. "Want to know what happened last night?" Joe nodded and leaned closer. Sylvie shrugged. "Jay went home, we went to sleep. End of the story." My friend and I burst into laughter while Cruz seemed little satisfied.

"Honestly though," Kelly sat down next to us, placing a glass of water and his breakfast on the table. "Nothing against Jay, but doesn't he have the guts for a relationship, or why are you two only ever together when it's convenient?" Sylvie studied my brother in confusion. "You're the right one to make that comment," she joked. "Besides, I would rather say they're happily together whenever, but too scared to turn it into something serious." She stopped for a moment and looked at me. "Nothing against you or Jay, of course."

I sighed. "Okay, enough." I really couldn't keep them arguing about this for a second longer. I had to break the news. I cleared my throat, catching the attention of everyone around. "Anyone else would like to share their opinions on me or my boyfriend?"

A moment of silence followed while everyone seemed to process my words. I tried to keep myself from smiling like an idiot. Saying it out aloud sounded too good to be true, but it was. Jay Halstead was my boyfriend. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Herrmann finally asked and put a hand behind his ear, pretending to not have heard me right but with a smile playing on his lips. "You know exactly what I said," I answered, not able to stop myself from grinning anymore. Kelly was the first to react. "Congrats, I guess," he said, pulling me into a sideways hug.

Cruz just stared at me with his mouth open for a second before he spoke. "After all the drama you guys make around your relationship, you're just going to sit here and tell us Jay Halstead is your boyfriend? What's the catch?" he questioned. I couldn't help it, I had to laugh. "There is none. Jay Halstead is my boyfriend. You'll have to live with that." Cruz shrugged. "Liz, you're the best." He cracked a smile. "You know we all love you as a great paramedic and colleague, but we love you the same for the person you are and what you add to this firehouse. I'm happy for you guys." Sylvie nodded in agreement, pointing at me with her you-know-what's-coming-next look. "You'll have to tell me all about this though."

"Liz?" I turned around to Chief Boden standing in the doorway. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded and followed him to his office, closing the door behind me. As we both sat down on opposite sides of his desk, he studied me intensely. "I just want to let you know how immensely grateful we are to have you at this firehouse, Severide," Boden started. "I heard you did an amazing job over at the district. We're all very proud of you, and we're glad you're back." He paused for a moment. "I also heard some details of how it all went down in the end."

I closed my eyes for a second, remembering Vince's gun against my head. When I opened them again, Boden continued. "We have great psychologists, and so does the police department, if you want to talk to someone." I nodded. "Thank you, Chief. I appreciate it. I'm fine though." He smiled. "Good. But if you change your mind, or you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you. You are part of the family, don't forget that." I shook my head. "I never would. I'm glad to be here."

Boden smiled before changing the topic. "I was told you still need to show up at the district once more so they can take your statement." I confirmed, and he continued. "Just talk to Brett so she can pick you up if you get a call and go whenever you like." I gave him a brief nod. "Thanks, Chief."

A few hours later, I decided to go over to 21st. In the past few days, I had gotten used to being at the district, and walking in through the doors didn't make me panic anymore. "Hey, Severide." I walked over to Platt as she called out my name. "Everyone is talking about you; you did great work out there with Intelligence. If you ever want to join the police, I'm sure you would find your place here after the academy." I wasn't sure whether Platt was serious, but I flashed her a smile either way. "Thank you, Sergeant." She nodded. Then she waved at someone behind me. "Ruzek! Take Liz upstairs, would you?" I turned around as Adam came up to me and gave me a quick hug.

"So, you already miss us?" he asked with a grin as I followed him up the stairs. I laughed. "Of course. I couldn't do a day without all your cops and robbers talk, your inside jokes and your annoying ass sarcasm." Adam smirked at me, shrugging. "Just join the academy and maybe you'll be with us one day." When we reached the bullpen, he sat at his desk before turning to me again. "Jay's not here but he should be back soon. Just claim his desk or something, we're all rushing in and out today either way."

On the way to the other side of the room, I stopped by a shelf and carefully picked up a teddy bear in a Chicago police uniform sitting on top of it. I moved his arms around a little before turning back to Adam. "You know I always wonder what his name is." Adam raised an eyebrow. "I don't think he has one."

jay's pov

"Who doesn't have a name?" I asked, walking in with Erin and smiling upon seeing Liz. "This bear," Liz complained with a look of fake disappointment on her face. "You guys have been in this unit for how long? And you want to tell me your bear doesn't have a name?" Adam buried his head in his hands and sighed dramatically. "Halstead, can you just collect your girlfriend and take her somewhere, she's harmful to my work environment." Before I could respond, Erin was next to Liz and took the teddy bear from her hands, making it wave at Adam. "I don't know about you boys," she said. "But I've always called him Liam." Adam and I both looked at her in disbelief before all of us burst into laughter. "Alright, it's Liam then," Adam said. "Everyone happy now? Because I actually do need to get my work done."

Later when we had taken Liz's statement and she left for an ambulance call; Adam crept up behind me as I was making coffee. "Bro, you scared me," I complained. He leaned against the counter next to me, like he was expecting me to say something more. "What?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Earlier, I called Liz your girlfriend and you didn't fight me about it." I shrugged. "That's right." My friend raised an eyebrow at me. "You told me I'd be the first to know when the time has come." I chuckled, pointing at him while I walked out the door. "That's wrong. I told you you'd be the first to know if I happen to sleep with her."

Adam ran after me, passed me and stood between me and my desk. "Bro, isn't that the same thing?" he asked. I shrugged again. "No." I tried to push past him, but he got in in my way once more. "So, is she your girlfriend or not?" Sighing, I looked at Adam. "Liz Severide is my girlfriend. You happy now?" Although I tried to sound annoyed, I had to smile. Saying it out aloud sounded too good to not smile about it. Liz Severide was my girlfriend. Finally, everything in my life seemed to be moving into place.

"Congrats, man." Adam held out his fist for me to bump, and I went for it. He grinned. "I've been rooting for you guys from the very beginning, don't ever forget that." I laughed. I certainly wouldn't forget it with him constantly reminding me.


i gotta admit i actually had more planned for this chapter, but it got a bit long and i couldn't find the right way to move it into the direction i wanted it to go without having a weird cut at this point, so i decided to split it here which made this part kind of a filler chapter... but yeah, i thought it was cute anyway because it goes a bit more into the atmosphere both at the firehouse and the district... anyway, there'll be more happening again soon! i can already say i'm not sure if the next chapter will come on sunday or monday cause i have a busy weekend ahead. either way, i hope you like this chapter xD as always, thanks for reading and leave a vote or comment if you like! have a nice weekend❤️

explosion (jay halstead / one chicago)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt