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I quickly unplugged my headphones and shoved them into my bag as I made my way towards firehouse 51. To say I was nervous is a huge understatement. Everything in me was screaming to turn around and run while my stomach was twisting, urging me to throw up and making me regret every single bite I took at breakfast.

Ever since I arrived in Chicago yesterday, the sun was beaming from a bright blue sky, making me squint when I took off my sunglasses to get a better view of my soon-to-be workplace. Kelly had suggested I should come by today, just to get a first glance at my future second home and meet my colleagues there. He seemed excited about it, so I agreed despite my anxiety. I didn't want to let him down.

Hesitantly, I walked into the firehouse.

"Hey, how can I help you?" a guy asked. He was wearing a CFD shirt just like my brother and had short blond hair. I was stressing out, but I tried my best to put on a smile.

"Hi, I'm Liz Severide" I had practiced these words in my head a million times and still I forgot how to continue. Luckily, I didn't have to.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! Your brother's been talking about you for weeks!" the guy exclaimed. "Oh, sorry" he added then. "I'm Matt Casey, captain on truck 81."

We shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too" I answered as I felt myself relax a bit. I had heard of this guy; he was Kelly's best friend.

"Common in", he said smilingly. I followed him through a door and down a hallway until we walked into a room with tables, a couch, television and kitchen. It looked quite comfortable to be honest, way more than what I was used to from my former rescue station.

"Look who I found" Casey said, catching everyone's attention when we walked inside.

"Liz, you made it" my brother exclaimed in excitement. He got up from his chair and walked over to me with open arms. I smiled shyly and hugged him, very aware that there were a lot of eyes on us.

"Firehouse 51, this is my sister Liz" Kelly introduced. "Treat her well."

Everyone got up to tell me hello and welcome me at their station. Soon, my anxiety began to fade away. These people seemed nice. Maybe Kelly was right, I would like it here.

A girl with blond, tied back hair came up to me. I noticed her shirt said paramedic and I couldn't help but get excited.

"I guess you've had enough people say 'welcome' already" she joked. "I'm Sylvie, your partner. Fancy a tour around the firehouse?"

I nodded: "Sounds like a great idea!"

"Kelly said you're from Madrid. When did you arrive in Chicago?" Sylvie asked once she had shown me around.

"Yesterday" I answered honestly.

"And you've never been here before?" she questioned.

I shook my head.

"Well, my shift ends tomorrow morning and I should get some sleep then, but how about I give you an exclusive Chicago tour in the afternoon? I was new to this city myself a few years back so I'm the perfect guide" the blond girl suggested.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Really? That would be amazing" I exclaimed.

"It's a deal then, Severide. I'll pick you up" she said.

We quickly exchanged numbers before I decided to go back to Kelly's place since I was still suffering from my jet lag.

Later that evening, I unpacked my suitcase. I didn't plan on staying with my brother for too long. In fact, it was only until I would find my own place in Chicago. I wanted to be independent. I had come to this city for freedom, and freedom wasn't exactly living with Kelly forever. But he had offered that I could stay as long as I wanted, and I was grateful for that.

I had only brought my favourite clothes and a few personal belongings since my aim was to leave my old life behind. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I really wanted this to work out. There was so much darkness and pain I was trying to overcome, so much hurt I was hoping to leave in Madrid. I came all the way to Chicago for a new beginning, in order to finally let loose what kept dragging me down. I just really hoped my mind would play along.

I had tried to break free before, had tried to move on. But whatever I did, the past always caught up with me. It had been a huge step to board the plane to Chicago, away from everything I was familiar with. But I knew it was necessary. I needed distance from the people and circumstances that were the reason for my suffering. Only if I got away physically, maybe I could forget after all. Only if I cut off everything connected to my past, only if my mind worked with me on this new beginning, maybe I had a chance to drown the demons that were still occupying my thoughts.

Afterall, it was a good start. I wasn't alone, I was with Kelly. My future colleagues at firehouse 51 seemed nice, and my partner Sylvie was lovely. She would even show me around the city tomorrow. Everything would go well, I told myself again and again. I just needed a bit of confidence.


hey there and thanks for reading, it means the world to me! i'm incredibly excited about this one so let me know what you think and leave a vote if you like ❤️

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