chapter 5

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"Look who's here" Herrmann shouted when Jay and the latino guy I assumed to be his colleague entered the room.

"Good to see you're out of hospital, Halstead" Casey spoke.

I studied Jay and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. His freckles seemed to have multiplied since I last saw him and he was wearing a nice brown jacket. If it wasn't for his stupid police badge and my lack of self-confidence, I wouldn't have wasted a second doubting whether I should get to know him. I caught him looking over at me and I turned away.

"What brings you here?" Kelly asked.

"The incident at Molly's" the latino guy started.

"What about it, Antonio?" Herrmann questioned.

So, his name was Antonio.

"It's not just the explosion anymore. There was an incident at another bar, just a block away. Shots were fired, one victim died on the way to hospital. We have reason to believe there's a connection."

He took a moment to let the news sink in before he continued talking: "Intelligence is on the case now."

"We have to reconstruct the evening at Molly's. Therefore we need to talk to all of you, hear exactly what you did and what you saw that night" Jay added.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"How about you go to the next room and speak to us one by one?" Casey suggested.

Following his idea, Cruz went in first with Antonio and Kidd went in first with Jay.

Once they were out of the room, I relaxed a bit and I could finally stop my hands from shaking.

Talking to one of them would be difficult for me and they would notice it. I knew I already had a hard time talking to officers when Sylvie and I were called to crime scenes, but at least I always managed to do so.

These conversations were usually about the crime and the injuries and I always knew that these officers and I were doing our job, that they didn't know me personally and never would.

That made it easier.

But right now, I was supposed to talk to a cop with a badge, about something that happened outside my job. And it wasn't made easier by the fact that it was a good-looking cop, and that I knew him in some way. I wasn't sure if I would be able to speak at all.

"Earth to Liz" my thoughts were interrupted by Sylvie. I must have zoned out because she chuckled slightly.

"I said we're next" my friend repeated.

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

"Hey Liz?"

"Yeah?" I looked at Sylvie expectantly.

"I don't know why police badges and uniforms and that stuff scare you so much" she started. "That's kind of sad because police officers should be people you can trust. But whatever it is, it's okay. You can do it. And... Uhm... I think it might be easiest if you just tell him. He'll understand."

"Thanks, Sylvie" I said, looking up just in time for her to give me an encouraging smile before we got up for our turn.

I watched Sylvie walk over to Antonio and take a seat with him. I wasn't sure if I should be thankful or annoyed at her. On one hand it might prove easier to talk to Jay than to a stranger. On the other hand, I didn't want him to see me like this.

I sat down opposite Jay, once again burying my hands in my pockets to hide the shaking. I successfully avoided eye contact and somehow my gaze drifted to the badge around his neck. Detective. Chicago Police. That's what it said in capital letters curved around a silver star.

There were a million things going through my head. Memories. Things I could say or shouldn't say. I don't talk to the police. I had used this sentence so many times I wouldn't be able to count them even if I tried. But this wasn't Madrid.

"You okay?" Jay asked.

I remembered Sylvie's words. It might be easiest if you just tell him. He'll understand. I finally made myself look up and meet Jays gaze. I saw concern in the deep green of his eyes. Jay is not Alejandro I told myself. This is Chicago.

"It's just ..." I stopped for a moment to let out a shaky breath. "Police badges make me uncomfortable."

He grabbed his badge to hide it underneath his shirt.

"Better?" he asked.

I nodded. I was still overwhelmed by the situation but at least I could concentrate on our conversation rather than his stupid police badge now.

"Yeah, a little, thanks" I answered while nervously brushing a strand of hair from my face. "I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry" Jay said softly. "If it makes you uncomfortable, I'm sure there's a reason for that."

I was glad he didn't question it, and I was even more glad he seemed to understand. Maybe he really was a good guy.

"Let's just talk about that evening at Molly's and if it's too fast or you need a break or something, just tell me" he suggested, giving me an encouraging smile.

I nodded. We went through what happened the night of the explosion step by step. Jay listened carefully and from time to time, he took notes.

When we were done, I had for the most part calmed down. I felt stupid for still overreacting whenever I saw a police badge or something alike. Afterall, these guys were friends of my firehouse family, so they had to be alright. Jay had nothing in common with Alejandro or his bastard friends.

"See, you did just fine" Jay chuckled. Wasn't that hard now, was it?"

"Well you're the first police officer interrogating me in like forever to hear something other than 'I don't talk to the police'. So consider yourself lucky" I shot back with a smile before I could stop myself. This was way too much information. Why the hell did I start to talk without thinking every time this guy was around?

"That sounds like a badass criminal past" he said and raised an eyebrow jokingly. I shot him a playful angry look. If only he knew.

"So, wanna grab a beer or something sometime?" Jay asked while he accompanied me back to the main room. We had taken a while; Antonio was already talking to my brother by now.

"Only if you leave that badge at home" I answered.


I smiled.

"My shift ends tomorrow morning. In the afternoon we'll be at Molly's, see what we can save from the fire" I informed him. "But after that I'll be at Molly's North, if you wanna join?"

I knew that having a drink together at Molly's North with all my friends and colleagues around wasn't exactly what you would think of for going out. But for now, it was what I was comfortable with and Jay seemed to understand.

"Alright, see you there!" he said before I walked back over to Sylvie. She seemed content watching Jay and I smile at each other.


thanks for reading ❤️ not long until there will be more going on between jay & liz and also not long  until we will learn more about liz's past ;)

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