chapter 18

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liz's pov

"Blue pick-up coming your way. That's him."

At hearing Jay's words, I turned towards the car that was now pulling up beside me. Leaning back against a wall, I faced the dark tinted windows, trying to mentally prepare myself for seeing Vince. I agreed to do this, and I was completely convinced it was the right thing. There was just some part of me that still couldn't believe it was real. Any of it, to be exact. Moving to Chicago, everything that happened since I arrived, and now Vince showing up here, and me meeting him again. But most of all, I couldn't believe I was working with the police and wearing a wire.

As odd as it seemed, it got all too real very quick when the guy I had been hoping I would never see again got out of the car. There he was, Vincente Gomez, handsome as ever and with the same old stupid grin, taking off his sunglasses and sticking them to the neckline of his shirt before approaching me.

"Hey, hey! It's good to see you, babe." I could tell Vince would go for a hug, and I knew I couldn't let that happen. I put up a hand that made him stop in his tracks. "Back up." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Why are you acting so distant? We're old friends, Elisa." I shuddered internally at my old name and for a moment, I was at a loss for words. However, I didn't let it show. This guy was playing me, and he had done so for most of my life. I wouldn't let him get through with it again. I rolled my eyes. "I'm considering a deal with you doesn't mean we're friends. We're not. You kidnapped my mother."

Vince sighed dramatically, but he stepped back and leaned against his car. "We talked about that. She's fine." I knew she was; he wouldn't do anything to her if it wasn't necessary. But this was already too much conversation for my liking, and I was scared Vince might get suspicious if I got straight to business. I just wanted to finish this meet-up as soon as possible; and talking about what he was doing to my mum was the perfect excuse to show off my mistrust and stop him from getting personal. "How do I know she's fine?" I asked. Instead of answering, Vince knocked against his car window three times. Only seconds later, the passenger door opened. When the guy that got out turned around to me, Vince let out a nasty laugh. "Is he reason enough to believe me?"

I ignored his words. My eyes and brain were focussed entirely on Hugo. What the hell was he doing here? He wasn't supposed to be in Chicago. Intelligence had checked all flights and assured that Vince was alone. Hell, Andrea had even told them that Hugo called her and said he denied going with Vince because he didn't want me dragged back into my old life. It didn't make sense. I couldn't believe he would do this to me, send me to Chicago to start over and then show up here with the guy who was the reason for all my misery. But even despite that, I knew it wasn't the worst thing about his presence. It didn't just freak me out, it blew my whole mission. Hugo had been my best and only friend for years. If I went through with the deal now, I wasn't only putting Vince behind bars, I was doing the same to a boy that was like a brother to me. There had to be another way. I just couldn't do anything about it in this moment.

"Hugo?" Confusion was obvious in my voice. "What are you doing here?" I was unable to read his facial expression. Was he happy to see me? Did he curse himself for coming to Chicago? Did he want to take me back with them? Help them settle in this city? Or was he simply trying to save me once again? Hugo was the one person I had always trusted, and the one that had always bailed me out. He had gotten me to Chicago, and I couldn't believe he was here with Vince now, acting like all of that never happened. "Nice to see you too, Elisa," Hugo joked, and a smile spread across his face. I could tell it was forced, however; I had seen his genuine smile a million times before. This one didn't reach his eyes.

"Listen up, we will find a way to keep Hugo out of everything, but you have to keep playing." I internally rolled my eyes at Jay's voice in my ear. While I knew he was just trying to calm me down and keep me focussed, his words seemed useless. Of course, Intelligence could offer Hugo a deal if he cooperated. And I was sure he would understand why I was working with the police. After all, he was doing the same in Madrid, on a smaller scale. The difficulty was making this boy believe what I was staging here, when he knew me better than I knew myself.

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