Life changes

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The phone call had not gone well. Gramps was upset, he called you irresponsible and stupid. And said that you needed to find your own place before the baby was born. You'd cried and your brothers felt bad.

"I graduate high school early! I have a steady stable place of employement once out of high school! I'm finishing college this year and I'm irresponsible? I get that what happened wasn't ideal but still!" You flopped on the couch, and Ace pulled you to his side.

"Sorry Y/N, what're you gonna do?"

"Well first thing would be to find a place now. I don't want to wait until the last minute."

"What about Killer? Would he let you move in?"

"Isn't that trapping him?"

"Uh no he decided in his own to be apart of your life and the baby's. But maybe talk to him." You nodded.

"Y/N what about vet school?" Luffy peered down at you from behind the couch.

"Of course she's going to have to postpone. Another thing she didn't think about." Sabo scoffed.

"I'm going to sucker punch you Sabo if I hear your tone stay that way whenever you talk to me." He gave you glare which you returned.

"Well this is different whoever thought that I would have to play mediator between you and Sabo." Ace chuckled. You didn't find it funny and neither did Sabo, Luffy also chuckled.

"The program is 2 years. I'll probably do the academic stuff online with a different school and than go back to my current school to finish out the labs."

"And if you can't?"

You shrugged your shoulders.

"I can always go back to it. I've always been motivated about my career. Advancing it may take some time but I've been working where I've wanted to be for the last 2 years. So Sabo drop it." He looked like he wanted to say more but kept his mouth shut.

"I think you need to tell Killer what's going on." Ace chimed while looking at his phone.

"I will we're taking a week long vacation together. We'll get some of the less important stuff figured out."

"Hey I just realized something!" Luffy suddenly shouted making you all jump. "I'm going to be an uncle! That's so cool!!!" He laughed causing you to explode in outright laughter, Ace and Sabo soon followed.

Shaichi stayed true to his word he only stayed quiet through Wednesday. After that he told anyone who would listen that you were pregnant. Law seemed indifferent, Penguin cried and Shaichi was like a proud uncle. Perona said she was going to start a baby clothes line and have your baby be the model. You didn't know if Killer was going to like that or not.

"Is she serious? I saw the clothes you modeled. What if we have a girl and she models those clothes?"

Kid laughed.

"I really hope this baby is a girl!"

"Not helping!"

You shook your head. It'd been two weeks since Gramps told you, you had to move out, you hadn't said anything to Killer yet but that night you'd been so distracted by the thought of asking him Kid finally got fed up.

"Okay Y/N what's up?" Kid flicked your forehead.

"Ow what was that for?"

"You've been spacing out all night and it's bugging me. I've been asking you about what dogs would be good for the shop for the past 5 minutes and you didn't respond."

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Where stories live. Discover now