Beach Party

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You had actually waited to go out on the beach. Just until the redness from your eyes left. The sun was still out even at 6pm. But then again it was September and still warm out.

Looking around you saw a lot of Luffy's friends already there. Ussop and his girlfriend were here. You wanted to say her name was Kana but you'd only met her once so you couldn't say for sure. Nami and her older sister were here. Bartolomeo was here, he worked out at the same gym as Luffy. And for some reason proclaimed himself as Luffy's #1 fan. He'd even said you could call him for anything, but you had a feeling that had more to do with you being Luffy's twin thank actual concern. Robin and her boyfriend Franky were here, along with Koby and his girlfriend Rebecca. Viola, Rebecca's aunt was here as well. Shanks was here too. Ace had invited a bunch of people from work apparently, they were all getting along but you didn't know them. Law was talking to Sabo and Koala. They'd invited people from work and their university, again more people you didn't know. You searched for Killer but didn't see him. You saw Shaichi and Penguin, they were trying and failing to talk to Vivi, who was a year younger than Luffy.

Walking over to say a quick hello to Vivi, she was here with her friend Koza, they weren't dating. You'd made that mistake when you had asked them the first time you'd met them.

"Hey Vivi, hey Koza. Hey guys."

You were wearing your swimsuit, so were all the women who'd shown up, and yours was by far the most modest.

"Hi Y/N!" Vivi hugged you. "I'm glad you decided to come! I've missed you!"

"Yeah last minute decision."

"Nice seeing you again." Koza commented.

"You too. School going okay?" He nodded, he was a guy of very few words.

"H-hey Y/N, you look great." Penguin stuttered.

"Thanks. You guys know she's in school with Luffy right?" At that the other men left. Making Vivi and Koza laugh. "Sorry about that guys, I promise they're harmless."

"It's okay Y/N. They really weren't that bad. They're adorable flirts."

"There's different kinds of flirts?"

"Yes there is. You gotta be careful. Okay?"

"I've got three older brothers I think I'm good." You giggled.

"Yeah you're lucky." She looked wistfully at Luffy. According to Nami, she'd had a crush on your twin for more than a year now. Luffy being Luffy was clueless to her growing affection, you felt bad for Vivi. Maybe you should talk to Luffy later about girls.

"You look nice, expecting someone?" Koza said.

"I'm expecting a new friend and his group. But nothing like what you're suggesting." He grinned.

"Yeah okay keep telling yourself that." You decided to change the subject.

"Hey you guys mind coming over with me? I have something to ask everyone, and it'd be easier to ask once."

They followed you back to the group. Koala had come over to hug you, and kept her arms around your neck, and you got right to business.

"Okay so some of you might know, or not but my friend Perona is a fashion major at my college. And every year at the end of October, they have a fashion show. She's been blacklisted at the modeling schools and no one will model for her. I was hoping you guys would consider it, only if you have the time."

"I'll do it!" Nami exclaimed. "That sounds like fun! I've seen some of her stuff in your closet, all the stuff is adorable!"

"Really? I'll do it since my little sister is doing it. Just let me know the dates she'd need us."

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