Coffee, dogs and men.

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You'd woken up in Killers arms, it was warm and relaxing. Checking the time on the alarm clock he had on his nightstand, it read 6:45am. Knowing you wouldn't be going back to sleep, you carefully slipped out of his arms and went into the room you were supposed to sleep in and get your toiletry bag to take a shower and change your clothes. When you got out you heard the front door open, and Kid walked in looking like he got into a fight with a cat.

"Morning Kid, Killer is still sleeping." Kid just stood there staring at you. "I was going to make some coffee, would you like some?" He nodded and sat down at the counter. Didn't make a sound just sat there staring at the counter top keeping quiet. You started a pot before realizing you didn't know where Killer kept the coffee. "Uh Kid you know where the grounds are?" He points to a cabinet, opening it all the coffee goodies were there. You noticed that there were several different grounds. "Which one do you like?"

"Columbian." You made the whole pot. You also liked columbian coffee but decided to keep that to yourself. While the coffee was brewing you looked in the fridge and saw some steak that was never made last night and lots of eggs. You started to crack the eggs and take out the meat when Kid finally said something to you.

"He's a good guy. Don't hurt him. His last girlfriend was a high maintenance bitch. You don't seem high maintenance so there's something I like about you already." Getting threatened wasn't something you were used to.

"I can't promise I won't ever hurt him, I'm human I make mistakes. So is he, meaning he can hurt me just as much as I can hurt him. But I will never go out of my way to hurt him. I used to be like that. I was a brat as a kid." You kept cooking while talking. When the coffee was done, Kid got up and made his own cup. You presented him with a cheese and steak omelette just minutes later.

"Thank." He grumbled.

"Sure." You made them like you did for your brothers. Lots of meat and cheese with a very thin egg covering. You started to make a second one when Killer came out in sweat pants and nothing else. His hair looking disheveled. Making you grin.
"Morning Killer, I'm almost done with your omelette and there's coffee. Kid chose columbian." He walked over to get coffee and kissed you on the head then sat next to his best friend.

You gave Killer his breakfast then proceeded to make yourself a cup of coffee. Kid got up and walked to another cabinet and pulled out some cereal.

"I can make you another one Kid if you're still hungry." You shook his head.

"I usually eat a bowl of cereal every morning. But the omelette was good." You nodded and looked at Killer again only to realize that he looked half asleep. You nudged your head in your boyfriend's direction. "Not much of a morning person is he?" Kid chuckled at his friend.

"Nope, I'm not either but some days I can get up."

"I wake up my brothers each morning. I've had to spray them with a squirt gun before, it's pretty funny to see their faces." Kid spat out some of his cereal and laughed.

"I think I'd kill you."

"They got back at me, they threw me in the pool."

"Sounds about right."

"Except it was November and freezing." You and Kid talked some more, Killer "woke up" after a half an hour you made him a second omelette than made yours. After eating, you hung out with Killer for an hour just chatting and watching TV. When it was about 10am you headed home to make sure you got everyone going in time to go to the adoption day. Wire and Heat waved to you as you drove a away. You smiled, you hadn't had that much fun at a party ever. And Killer had let you leave without making you feel guilty or unsociable. Yeah Kid was right, he was a good guy.

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ