Dinner disaster

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When you and Drake got to your house, you took a breath like you'd be drowning in freezing cold water. Gramps and the boys came out with big smiles on their faces. You froze by the passenger door, Drake even doing it to. Guess it seemed weird to him too, you unconsciously took a step back.

"Uh what's going on guys."

"We have a surprise for you Y/N!" Sabo practically squealed.

"Yeah c'mon c'mon, you gotta come see ." Luffy ran down and dragged you towards the house. Leaving Drake to stare at you and your family and let out a huff.

"I'll help you out Drake boy." Gramps came down to Drake's car and the two men unloaded the groceries while your brothers had you go into the den.

"Wait till you see what we got you!" Luffy was close to pulling your arm out of its socket. Even with you trying to keep up, when you got into the den you saw Koala with her Pomeranian, and Chopper and another dog you didn't recognize. It was a Bernese Mountain puppy.

"Who's dog is that?"

"He's yours." Ace went to pick the puppy up and place him in your arms. The puppy started attacking your face in nips and licks causing you to laugh.

"Wait mine? I thought we were just getting Chopper! And I won't be home a lot for this little guy!" You started to get sad realizing you'd have to take the puppy back.

"We talked about that," Ace spoke again. "We agreed we'd help. And we wanted you to have something you didn't have to share with us. Plus he'd help you with your depression. We wanted to surprise you. Do you hate it?"

You felt tears prickling your eyes. You held the puppy close and put your forehead to your brother's chest. "Of course I don't hate it dummy!" Ace laughed and wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you fireball." You used the nickname you'd given him back when he had a temper. Before he hated it, now you used it to tease him.

"Love you too short stuff." He squeezed tighter. Unknown to you Drake saw the whole thing and wasn't pleased. The puppy would be another source of distraction from you paying attention to him.

Your phone dinged. Killer sent a text saying he was here. You ran out to the front and saw him getting off his bike and taking his blue and white stripped helmet off. You walked to him puppy still in your arms. Killer saw you and the dog and smiled.

"Hey he's cute! You name him yet?"

"I just found out about him so no." He tilted his head to the side in confusion. You offered him the puppy and he took the little guy and gave him scratches behind the ears. The dog was loving all the attention he was getting.

"Damn look at those paws, you're going to be a beast little man!" Killer chuckled as the dog started to chew on his goatee.

"Killer that's it!"

"What's it?"

"His name!"

"Still confused." You giggled.

"His name, you just named him. Beast. That's what I'll call him!" Killer grabbed the back of your neck and gave a quick kiss before bringing you into his big body. You took in his smell and felt relief.

"Y/N." And then anxiety came back. Killer felt you stiffen in his arms, when he looked up he saw the man who'd called you. He was tall, with ginger hair, muscular and had a scar on his chin and what looked like a tattoo on his chest.  And the way he was eyeing you made Killer get protective and possessive.

"That your grandfather's old colleague?"

"Yeah. Why don't I bring you in to meet Gramps then you and me can talk? Oh you'll also be meeting my best friend Perona." He kissed the top of your head and kept an arm around your shoulders and the puppy in his other arm. The little thing fell asleep.

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Where stories live. Discover now