Motorcycle Rides

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Getting to school you'd learned that your first class was cancelled for the day. You and Shaichi went to the library to hang out and finish up on the worksheet that the professor had left on the door for you to do instead of the class happening. There'd be a quiz on it Monday next week, so you both got busy.
You'd also told Shaichi about your car and how you were going to the party as well.

"So Ace finally told you what was bugging him all this time. Good, I'm glad. And Penguin will be glad about you coming to the party."

"Is he ever going to get over this crush? I've turned him down twice already."

"He thinks you're just shy."

"I used to be when it came to guys. Still kind of am. And I know the awkwardness that comes with having a relationship with a friend."

"Oh yeah?"

"Well relationship isn't the right word. I guess the more correct term would be fuck buddy."

"Whoa you did that?"



"Sorry that's a secret."

"Oh c'mon!~"

You giggled at Shaichi. Then got right to work. You finished before him, and decided to search your local animal shelter for the perfect dog. Your phone dinged and a number you didn't know popped up. When you opened it, you gave a wince. You hadn't talked to him in forever.

Unknown: Hey N/N. It's me. I heard Luffy is going to be in his first real fight, that's exciting. How're you doing?"

You decided not to respond to the message. The two of you had dated in secret when you were 17. You'd broken up with him because you couldn't handle it. He was going into the police academy and you had just finished high school. You two had never gone out on dates, you always went to his place, or he came to yours on the rare occasion that you had the house to yourself. He had also been 12 years older than you. And while you were at the consenting age, and nothing was illegal, he'd made you feel like a child more often than not. You'd realized that he needed someone his own age to be with.

It was a reason why you weren't going to try to be anything but friends with Killer. Sure he was only 8 years older, but you'd probably make him feel old and out of place. And that isn't fair to do to someone.

Unknown: I miss you. Can we meet up and talk? Let me know. I know you're busy.

Your phone dinged again.

Killer: hey I'll come get you from school same place that your brother picked you up. I'll be on my bike. See ya!

You couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face.

Maybe I need a boy toy? I think my womanly needs have gone ignored too long.

The party was ironically going to be the place that you'd be able to find one too.


You were waiting for Killer by the school entrance. You'd let Perona know that he was going to come and get you and she teased you for it, for a long time. She'd also made fun of you for saying that you needed a boy toy, she said it wasn't cute but you didn't care. She'd suggested Law to be the toy. Yeah been there done that. It was the reason you couldn't tell Shaichi, he'd be horrified

You heard a motorcycle, and a second later you saw Killer. His long luscious locks waving behind him. He had a white and blue stripped helmet with holes in it. You wondered how he could even see out of that. He stopped in front of you, took off his helmet and smiled.

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Where stories live. Discover now