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All of us went up to my room and the boys sat down on my bed

"I don't want to go, I wanna watch movies and eat ice cream and pizza till I throw up"
Roshaun said

"we'll do that tomorrow, but now you guys have to help me pick out a dress"
I said

"just grab one and wear it"
Alvaro said

"it's not that easy. She has to look in the dress, make a good impression"
Aliz said

"she looks good in everything just grab one"
Mattia said

"no, I have around 5 dresses so you need to pick two out. One for me and one for Aliz"

"Oh you don't have to give me a dress, I can wear this"
She said

"your wearing a dress, it's a formal dance"
I said

"wait so that means we gotta wear tuxes"
Alejandro said

"no shit"
Kairi said

"you guys should have told us"
Roshaun said

"Mattia drive us home so we can get our clothes"
Alvaro said

"take my car"
He said tossing the keys to the boys

The boys left my house so it was just Mattia Aliz and I. I grabbed all the dresses I had from my closet and threw them on the bed

"pick a dress"
I said to Mattia

"I can't just pick one, both of you have to try them on to see what looks good on you"
He said

"this is not 5 dresses. You can wear all these dresses everyday for a month"
Aliz said

"yea. I buy dresses but never wear them"
I said

"alright well get to changing"
Mattia said tossing a dress to each of us

"what are you guys doing"
My sister said walking in with a bowl of popcorn

"Quinton asked y/n to the dance"
Mattia said

"you guys never go to the dances"
She said

"that's what I said, give me some popcorn"
Mattia said

"and while your at it gig can judge which dress looks good on us"
I said

She sat down on my bed beside Mattia while they ate popcorn

Aliz and I tried on a couple dresses but Mattia and Alyssa didn't like any of them

"these are the last two dresses"
Aliz said

"then they better be perfect"
Mattia said

Y/n and Aliz kept trying on dresses and they both looked good but not perfect, y/n looked happy but frustrated trying on the dresses. And every time she spun around I just felt this joy in me. Seeing her in those dresses made me just want to pull her in a kiss her, hold her in my arms

"ok you can open you eyes now"
Her sister said

As I opened my eyes i seen y/n standing there in this black plain dress. It looked similar to the other ones but for some reason she looked perfect in it. Almost like the dress was made for her

"that's the dress!"
Her sister yelled

"what about mine?"
Aliz asked

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now