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I woke up and sat on the bed rubbing my head from the hang over I had. I realized I wasn't in my room but I was in Mattia's room. I looked over at him and he was still asleep. Did we? I looked under the b d sheets. We did!

y/n? Hello? Y/n? WAKE UP!
I sat up from the bed and I was in my room

finally jeez!

weren't we just at your party?

What? My party is today? You good?

So it was just a dream?
I sighed

What was a dream?
He sat down and put his hand on my knee
I looked at him with my eyes wide and my heart was racing

Uhh nothing. I don't feel like going to your party tonight I'm um sick?
I started fake coughing

No you have to go. You have to be my "fake girlfriend" so Ashley could stop bothering me?!

Can't I'm really sick. You should go before you get sick to BYE!
I shut my door and slid down my door

That was weird
He shook his head and walked out

I was freaking out cause it felt so real. Everything felt so real. I felt this feeling in my gut whenever I thought of Mattia. What the he'll is happening?!
I ran to my phone and called one of my closet girl friends and one of my only girl friends. Aliz. I met her a year ago when my mom told me there was a knee girl in the neighborhood and I should talk to her. Aliz is homeschool and she extremely shy but once we started talking she's opened up to me.

The phone was ringing
Come on pick up pick up


Aliz I need to talk to you right now!!

oh ok, I'll be there in a couple minutes


I hung up and just stared at my fingers. I don't know why I was freaking out this much. It's just every time I thought of Mattia I felt something tingle in my stomach. Why am I feeling this way?

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs opening it

Hey, what's up-Oh!
I pulled her in a and ran up to my room closing the door and she sat in my bed

Are you okay
She said quietly

I had a dream that I slept with Mattia!
I said quickly

What?! Like Mattia Mattia?! Your neighbor Mattia?! Your bestfriend Mattia?!

YES! I don't why I had a dream about him but we some how went into his room and we were messing around when I fell on him and we started kissing and then that happened!! And he woke me up and asked if u was okay and he put his hand on my knee and I felt this weird thing in my stomach?

You mean butterflies?

What the fuck is that?!

You don't know what "butterflies" are?
I shook my head no
It's like this tingle you get in your stomach when you are I guess "attracted" to something. I don't really know actually

I'm not attracted to Mattia though

You sure? Cause your feeling out a bit? So what did you do after he touched your knee?

I freaked out and told him I couldn't be his "fake girlfriend" because I was sick and is started fake coughing and picked him out my room

Seems to me like you like him

I can't like him! He's my bestfriend?

*The boys at the party*

Wait? Wheres y/n?

Her house. When I woke her up she freaked out and when I asked her what was wrong she said she was sick and started coughing and pushed me out her room?

That's weird
He said sipping his beer

Kairi's Pov
Y/n's hiding something. I only know cause when she freaks out she pretends she's coughing or "sick" and kicks us out her room. I'll find out. I always do. Let's just say y/n tells me anything. And I mean ANYTHING!! I'm like the "gay bestfriend" people trust and tell anything and everything too. But I'm not gay. And I have a crush on Aliz which y/n close "girlfriend"......

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now