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I woke up and used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. For some reason I felt like I wanted to dress a little bit nicer than I usually do for school so I threw in some really ripped black jeans and a ping sleeve black shirt. I put on some makeup and lashes and fixed my hair. I put on my blue and white air forces and grabbed my bad and headed downstairs and ate some pancakes my mom made for me and my little sister.

"hey mom. When can I get a car?"

"you don't need one. you have Mattia"
She said

"yea. you practically spend everyday with him anyway!"
My sister said

"and your in love with him! Your in love with all the boys Alyssa!"

She just rolled her eyes

"alright let's go I'm gonna be late for work"
My mom said

We quickly washed the dishes and got in my moms car and first drive my sister to her school since she's an 8th grader and my mom dropped me off.

I got out the car and walked to my locker and put some books in there and I took out my math and English book.

"damn y/n! Who you looking good for?!"
Roshaun said

"my man"
I said jokingly

"oh-what man? do we know him?!"
Alvaro said

"please. Y/n wouldn't date anyone from this school"
Mattia said

"you don't know that. There's some pretty cute people that go to this school actually!"

"So who's the man then?"
Alejandro asked

"I have no idea"
I laughed

I shut my locker and we started walking down the hallway

"hey Mattia"

"hey Chelsea"
He said uncomfortably

the boys just looked at me and raised there eyebrows and widening theirs eyes and smiled. Mattia had another hook up from a very clingy girl that has no idea who Mattia is. I'm kinda upset that he had a hookup but I can't do anything about it

"so that night was really fun, wanna come to my house later on?"
She asked

"oh-uh that night I wasn't really thinking and I just got out of a relationship and y/n and I talked it out and got back to-

He tried making an excuse about me and him being in a relationship and we broke up and he wasn't thinking and blah blah blah. That's not the first time he's done that but I knew he was going to kiss me in front of her and I don't want that happening so I stopped him

Mattia leaned into for a kiss but I put my hand to his face

"look Chelsea none of what Mattia said is true. Mattia and I were never together. You've been in this school for a while now and you probably already know Mattia is the player in this school so he hooked up with you and he most likely didn't like and that's why he's making up an excuse that he's used so many times so basically ty answer to hanging out at your house is a no because he literally doesn't not want to see you again. I'm very sorry Mattia played your but you should have seen this coming"
I said

"oh, she just, she said that"
Kairi said

"and did she stutter? Not once"
Roshaun said

"and this is why I love her"
Alejandro said

"just wait for the argument they'll have and them they'll fight and we gotta separate them"
Alvaro said

"oh honey, every word you said was wrong. Because Mattia does want to see me"
She said

"so you wanna say that after he literally just tried to kiss me right now? Chelsea Mattia is my best friend and I've none his for a while now. You've none him for one night. And he obviously didn't like it"
I said

"how would you know"
She said crossing her arms

"because he's using and excuse for you to get away"

"What is he wanted to get away from you!"

"Chelsea. I was mad at Mattia for a week and he was sad about it, Mattia can't leave me alone for a day without checking up on me, I mean Chelsea he's literally holding onto my backpack because he knows I'm going to storm off"

"Mattia is just a selfish asshole who cares about no one but himself! All he cares about is his fame! He's a complete dick! And Mattia I hope you rite in hell!"

I punched her and she fell on the floor and I got on top of her and hit her and she started fighting back

"alright we should get them now"
Alvaro said

"Damn! I forgot how hard y/n hits!"
Roshaun Said

"no wait I'm scared to get y/n off! Help me I'm fucking small!"
Kairi yelled

"Mattia stop standing there and help?!"
Alejandro yelled

Mattia snapped out of it and got y/n off Chelsea holding her back and roshaun held Chelsea back. Everyone was recording the fight and they took y/m to the office

In love with my bestfriend | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now