12. Pattons's and Janus's

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A/n: Patton is somewhere in his mid-twenties in this flashback.

Patton pretended to read but had really dozed off.

"You need to get more rest."

Patton opened his eyes. "I could say the same about you."

He sat in a creaky old chair beside his sister who lay out on a bed, her skin nearly as white as the sheets.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

"Um," Patton checked the grandfather clock in the corner. "Thirty minutes."

"Patton," she chided.

Patton shrugged sheepishly. "I don't know."

She shook her head and smiled. "You should let someone else take a shift."

Patton didn't answer. He stared at the floor.

"Oh, I get it. You want to spend enough time with me before I die."

"Don't say that, Cecil!" Patton cried angrily.

"You know it's soon."

"Stop it!" Patton turned his face away and fiercely rubbed at the tears pushing out of his eyes.

A baby began to cry and Patton stood and walked to the cradle. He picked the baby up and cradled her, carefully holding her the way Cecil had taught him.

"It's a shame Richard never got to meet her," Cecil commented.

"He is missing out," Patton agreed. "But that's his fault, not yours."

"Oh, sometimes I wonder."

"What do you mean?" Patton resumed his seat and gently bounced the baby. She began to quiet down.

"If I had done something different... would he have stayed?"

Patton shook his head. "I don't think he would have."

They sat in silence. Both of them had long since released the bitterness towards the baby's father. Cecil had taught Patton how to do that, forgive so easily.

"And... it's a shame she won't remember me."




She smiled sadly and held out her arms. Patton carefully placed the baby in her arms.

"Hi, Lily Water," Cecil said in a sad singsong voice. She looked up at Patton. "You two have the same eyes."

"But everything about her reminds me of you," Patton mused.

"That's good," Cecil decided. "Can I ask you something?"


"Will you take care of her when-."

"No, nothing is going to happen to you."

"Patton," Cecil's eyes filled with tears. "You've grown up so fast. But you're still the same. You've always liked to hold on." She extended her hand.

He took it. "Maybe I don't see a reason to let go."

Slowly she pushed the baby into his arms. "Here's one: the other person needs to let go. They can't unless you release them."

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