4. A Nice Night for a Walk

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It was getting dark when Virgil finally got out of work. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. It was mostly empty, not enough for a cab. He had forgotten to borrow a little money from Patton because his pay check was late.

Oh well, it was a nice night for a walk.


"What do you mean 'legally dead'"? Logan splayed his hands in the air, as if searching for the answer with his fingers.

"It's a long story."

"Is that one of the reasons you wanted to get him out of the asylum? You were afraid someone would find out?"

"Partly, yes."

"What's the other part?!" Logan flung his arms out.

Python tapped his gloved fingers on his cane.

"I cannot say."

"As in you don't know or-"

"As in I can't tell you."

"Okay, okay." Logan rubbed his temples. "So we have to find a dangerous, legally dead man before he kills anyone, we can't get help from the police, and it's just the three of us in the all of London."

"When you put it that way, it seems impossible."

"That's because it is!"

They paused as the carriage slowed to a stop. Python payed the driver as they all got out. It was a dirtier, darker part of town.

"What's your plan?" Patton took off his glasses and cleaned it with a handkerchief from his pocket.

"We could cover more ground by splitting up," Python suggested. "I have an acquaintance that saw him in this area.

And that's when Logan stopped trusting this stranger. He had a suspicion "Python Delphi" was telling more lies then truths. He grabbed Patton's arm.


Python looked annoyed.

"What do you mean 'no'?"


Roman was pleased with himself. He had done very well at the audition and hadn't tripped once.

He made a note to throw that in Virgil's face as he slid a prop sword onto the highest shelf of the prop room. He usually went straight home after an audition but he felt great so he had stayed a little longer to help organize some props. But now it was getting late and he had to get home.


"Look, I know you're anxious to find your friend but every time you talk this situation gets fishier and fishier."

"Logan," Patton said quietly. "Can I have a word?"

Logan frowned but agreed and they walked away a few paces.

"Patton, I don't trust him."

"I know, I know. But I... I think I recognized Wolf."

"You know Wolf?"

Patton shook his head. "No, but something was familiar about his features."

"So," Logan adjusted his necktie. "You are going to help this creep because his friend, who, need I mention, may have killed someone, looks somewhat familiar?"

Patton folded his arms. "Something like that."

Logan shook his head. "I'm going home."

Patton frowned. "You're going to leave me alone with him?"

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