•Chapter 5•

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~Cherri's Pov~

I'm blowing shit up until I get a call. It's from Angel. I stop what I'm doing and pick up the phone.

"Hey Biittttccchh! What's up?"

I wait for Angel to reply but all I hear is crying coming from the other end.

"I'll be there as fast as I can"

I hang up the phone and start making my way to that hotel Angel has been staying at. After a few minutes, I finally reach the damn place. I go inside and I look around. A girl starts to approach me.

"Hello there! Welcome to the-"

I don't even let her finish before I cut her off. "I don't care. What room is Angel staying in? I wanna go see him.". She looks at me for a moment before realization hits her.

She squints before her eyes go wide. "You're that girl Angel was with in that turf war."

"Yeah, yeah, that's me. Now tell me what room Angel stays in." After I say that she finally tells me. I make my way to Angel's room and when I get there I open the door. I see Angel crying on the bed.

I sit next to him and place my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me with red, puffy, tear filled eyes. He turns over and I see a big gash on his side. How the hell did he get that?!

I look for a first aid kit and I find one. Luckily, Angel keeps them with him just incase he needs them. I wait for him to prop himself against the head of the bed and the wall.

"Angel, I'm gunna need you to pull up your shirt for me" Angel does as I ask and I smile at him. When he's like this I don't wanna touch him too much until I know what's happening.

When he cries because of Valentino, touching him triggers the memories so I try to keep my hands off of him until he tells me it's okay.

"Angel, I'm gunna need to touch you quite a bit to patch this up. Are you okay with that?"

Angel gives me a nod and keeps crying. I patch up his wound and help him into a comfortable laying position that won't hurt him. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Angel looks at me and wipes tears from his eyes. "I was out with Alastor to talk about hotel stuff. After we were done we started talking about random things. We looked at aquariums and had fun. Things were going good until we walked into a turf war."

"I ran my mouth and we got caught up in it. Alastor was looking for, I think, me and didn't notice someone creeping up behind him. I pushed him out of the way. He was about to get stabbed with some kind of angelic weapon, I think... I got slashed by it while saving him. Knowing him, he would've probably survived that now that I'm thinking about it. Once we got away from the war, Alastor started yelling at me."

Angel blinks tears away, trying not to cry. "He said I was supposed to be a slut and that good sluts are supposed to be good at following orders. He asked if Valentino taught me nothing. He kept yelling at me but I couldn't understand him. I was too scared. I-It reminded me o-of my d-dad yelling at me."

The tears start pouring again and his voice gets shaky. "S-So many b-bad memories started t-to flow in. He w-wouldn't stop y-yelling. After he finally s-stopped I said s-sorry. He y-yelled even more th-then he walked a-away."

I hugged him and rubbed circles on his back. He stuffed his face into the crook of my neck and cried. Radio Demon or not, that bitch doesn't have the right to make Angel cry.

"How about we watch earth movies?"

Angel looked at me and slowly nodded. We started to watch earth movies for a while until there was a knock at the door.

~Alastor's Pov~

After I entered the hotel, I went to my room. I calmed down then it started to hit me again. The guilt of calling Angel a slut and yelling at him. I'm not one for apologies but I went too far. Regardless of my circumstances or how I was feeling, I had no right to say such things to him.

I started to think of ways I could say sorry to Angel and I started to write them down. I finally just said 'fuck it' and was gunna say whatever right thing came to mind first. Angel deserves a genuine apology not some crappy scripted one.

I asked Charlie where his room was then I made my way to it. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

(I updated this chapter. Nothing much changed. Just grammatical errors and I added like one sentence. I like this chapter as it is.)

The Depressions Of Angel DustWhere stories live. Discover now