I Lied

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Okay, I lied. I said I wouldn't change the direction of the story but I can't- basically, chapter 10 is getting a complete rewrite. Well, not complete. That's exaggerated but it is getting changed. I had a plan in the beginning but me now is not on board with middle school/early highschool me cuz hell nah-

Basically, the original plot direction for Valentino and Alastor was that they dated as humans and that's why Alastor hates Valentino so much. Al remembers his human time with Valentino, Valentino does not. Angel was also supposed to be in the mix. Valentino would take advantage of a 16 year old Anthony who was visiting Atlanta with his family for mob business. Valentino gets with Angel, Alastor walks in on them but they don't notice him, once Val and Angel are done, Al takes his revenge and kills Valentino. He tries to kill Angel but Angel is no where to be found. He spent way too long torturing Valentino and Angel is safely back with his family. Well- as safe as one can be with a mob family.

This is no longer going to be the case. Ain't no way. I mean, it's good story but it doesn't- I can't. It's cringey, fam. None of this will be canon to my AU anymore. Have fun with that knowledge. Alastor will now hate Valentino just because of his character and because Valentino would hit on him in the past. It's nothing elaborate anymore.

Also, I advise you reread chapter 10 as it will be different. Not only did I change the story between Alastor and Valentino but I also changed how Molly died and added some extra things. Now, it'll be split. The edited chapter will be at the top and the original one will be below it so both the edited and original will be there. Again, the original one will have nothing to do with the story and I will state it in the chapter. I'm just keeping it there for the nostalgia. My brain will not let me continue that story line. It is simply cringe. N e ways, that's all! Byeee! I'll update with a real chapter soon. Trust me, I fucking hate these update parts too.


Alright, I'm updating this chapter. I may just make this chapter for updates only. I will go back and proof read then spellcheck the story. After that, I'll start working on the next chapter. Again, I'm obsessed with Trolls and am working on fanfics for that on AO3 so updates for this story won't be as fast as those updates.

Also! I may update What Alastor says to Angel in "Chapter 4" and I may also not. Al was mad. He was mad, and heated, and shit had been going wrong for him that week and his facade broke. His facade broke and he insulted Angel. But it feels mad OOC to me what he said. Again, I started writing this when I was in middle or early high school or some shit. This shit is cringe to big me now but younger me ate that shit up.

Also! A quick explanation to what Husk said to Angel about Val loving him. It is in fact abuse. I never said it wasn't. Val seeming to love angel doesn't excuse his actions. It was never my intention to make it seem like Husk was excusing Val's actions or writing them off as just love and that Angel should take it. He was just explaining why he thought the abuse was getting worse.

Even if Val does love him, which I'm not confirming nor denying anything as that is what Husk thinks and what may or may not be so, it doesn't excuse his actions. Husk was explaining them not excusing them. Val is abusive. End of story. Just because he may love Angel doesn't mean it's right. I just wanted to clear that up. Even younger me knew that much and that was always how it was intended to be perceived. I was dumb as shit but not totally fucking stupid.

Also! This is a RadioDust story. It just has heavy cuddly HuskerDust FRIENDSHIP. They get closer as friends before Al and Angel get closer as lovers. I promise this is RadioDust.

Another thing: Reread the whole story at this point. Once I'm done editing everything, it will be so much better and much more polished. I'll update here once I'm done editing everything.

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